Chives are commonly used as herbs for many medical purposes. It also adds great taste and flavor to our platter. Chives are closely related to onions, garlic, leek, and scallion. So, can our guinea pigs eat chives or not? Is it harmful to them? Here is what you must know about the same.
Guinea pigs should not eat chives. You should avoid feeding chives to your guinea pigs because feeding can cause blood abnormalities in guinea pig’s bodies. It can be quite dangerous and even life-threatening for our guinea pigs. Chives can also cause gastrointestinal distress if fed in large quantities.
Chives belong to the category of vegetables called allium vegetables. This type of plant can cause significant damage to guinea pig’s bodies.
Even a small amount of chives can turn out to be very toxic for our guinea pigs.
Chives can majorly affect red blood cells in guinea pig’s bodies. Chives can create many health issues in guinea pigs, such as dizziness, weakness, irritation in eyes and mouth, breathing difficulty, and digestive problem.
Thus, feeding them chives is not a good idea and has to be avoided.
Are guinea pigs allergic to chives?
No, guinea pigs are not allergic to chives. But chivies can surely make your guinea pig suffer.
The point is guinea pigs cannot eat chives anyhow. So, it should not bother us whether they are allergic to chives or not.
Also read: All about guinea pig allergies
Do guinea pigs like chives?
Chives are mostly used in garnishing the dishes or brighten the taste of our meal. Cause it has an overpowering smell and flavor.
Due to its strong smell, guinea pigs mostly dislike chives. However, there is a possibility that they can get curious and give it a try anyway.
For precaution, you may not want to keep chives around them. Ensure that they cannot reach any kind of food that is harmful to them, especially when you are not around.
Are guinea pigs allowed to eat chives?

Chives, a distinct cousin of onion and garlic, are usually used to add flavor to our dishes. But unfortunately, chives cannot bring flavor in the guinea pig diet.
Guinea pigs are not allowed to have chives due to its allium contain sulfur compounds. Chives can cause a severe health problem or could even be life-threatening.
You must be aware of how badly chives can affect guinea pig health.
So let us glance at chives hazards towards guinea pigs:
- Cause anemia: Chives have allium, further damaging the red blood cell in the guinea pig body. Having less red blood in the body can cause breathing problems, which can eventually result in anemia.
- Weakness and dizziness: If you feed chives to guinea pigs, it can affect their bodies and cause weakness and dizziness. Chives trigger red blood cells, and due to less red blood cells in their bodies, they can be fragile.
- Urinary damage: Chives are rich in potassium and calcium. And an unusual amount of potassium and calcium can lead to urinary and kidney stones in guinea pigs.
- Digestive problem: Chives can upset guinea pigs stomach, and lead to gastrointestinal motility problems. Guinea pigs have a very frail tummy; on the other hand, chives are healthy and spicy veggies. So you understand how harmful it can turn out for guinea pig weak digestive system.
- Other issues: Common problems that you may notice if they eat chives are stomach irritation, irritation in eyes, breathing problem, excess secretion of saliva, and wooziness.
Now you are well aware of all the risk chives can cause if you feed it to them. Let us now focus on other questions about chives and guinea pigs.
Can guinea pigs eat other types of chives?
There are four common types of chives:
- Common chives
- Garlic chives
- Giant Siberian chives
- Siberian garlic chives
None of it can be fed to guinea pigs. These four chives are distinct by physical characteristics, but the nutritional value of these different kinds of chives is the overall same.
And can harm as severely as regular chives. These chives are as toxic and dangerous as standard chives for guinea pigs.
So it not appropriate to feed them any kind of chives. Hence, avoid feeding chives to guinea pigs, or it will affect their health very severely.
General FAQ on Guinea pigs and chives
Can guinea pigs eat raw chives?
Guinea pigs can only eat raw food but not chives.
Raw chives are filled with nutrients, but they are straight poison for our guinea pigs. Chives contain diallyl disulfide and also allicin, which can be very dangerous for our guinea pigs.
Can guinea pigs eat wild chives?
Of course, no, guinea pigs cannot have wild chives. Wild chives could be more dangerous than regular chives.
There is a higher possibility that it could affect guinea pigs more badly than regular chives.
What happens if a guinea pig eats chives?

There is a possibility that they may eat chives out of curiosity. Then what are we supposed to do? Can this terrify my cavies?
I understand there must be thousands of questions going inside your brain. But don’t worry, folks. Here is the solution to this blunder mistake.
If guinea pigs had chives, then it can harm guinea pig health. But if they had a small amount it then there is a chance, they can be okay. Let us see what can be done.
If they had a little quantity of chives:
- By chance, if they ate a small number of chives, then it is suggested to watch their activity for a while.
- They may feel dizziness. So you should make guinea pigs comfy and let them rest.
- Due to indigestion, they won’t be able to puke after a few hours of taking care of them. When you are sure, they can have something and then give them something fresh and healthy. And see if they can digest it or not.
- Even after a few hours, they cannot pass anything; then, it might be a problem. If the situation gets worst, then you should instantly rush to a professional vet.
However, a minimal amount won’t have such a drastic effect on them.
If they had a considerable amount of chives:
- By chance, they had a large number of chives. Then it can harm guinea pigs a lot. Also, the symptoms would be quick to show. My suggestion would be to rush to a vet right away.
How common are chives poisoning in guinea pigs?
Sadly, chives are quite common in poisoning guinea pig health. Even a small amount of chives can hurt guinea pigs.
Although, this veggie is highly nutritious but harmful for our guinea pigs. The compound present in chives can damage red blood cells in guinea pigs. Due to the loss of red blood cells, they can suffer from many health problems.
Difficulties in breathing, irritation, nasal secretion, stomach ache, and gastrointestinal mobility can turn out.
Symptoms can remain worst for a longer duration.
Chives can immediately make your guinea pigs sick. It would be best to take guinea pigs to vet right away.
Symptoms of chives poisoning in guinea pigs?

Chives poisoning symptoms can be noticed immediately.
Following are the instant reaction that could occur if they had chives.
- Weakness & dizziness
- Walking in circle
- Stomach irritation
- Indigestion
- Breathing difficulty
- Watery eyes and nose
- Increase in heart rate
- Problem in urinating
Above are the symptoms that can occur if they had chives. If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned earlier in them, that would be the sigh to take medical help.
How to prevent chives poisoning in guinea pigs?
Chives are straight away venom in guinea pig body. So we should avoid risking guinea pig life by feeding it to them.
Following are the steps to take prevention against feeding chives to guinea pigs:
- Firstly if you don’t keep guinea pig in a cage and they are free to move around, then you should make sure not to keep chives near them.
- Secondly, avoid any food that is related to the allium family in the guinea pig diet.
- The Guinea pig should be given such a healthy and sufficient diet to mold out to be very strong to fight against any poisoning food.
- Keep chives out of their sight or at a higher position where they can’t reach.
- If you grow chives on your yard, then you should keep them away from the ground. You can put barriers on fences so that they cannot enter that area.
If you take the above precaution measures, then your guinea pig can be safely away from chives.
My guinea pig ate chives?
We know chives are dangerous for guinea pigs, but they also depend on how much quantity they had.
If they had a small number of chives like less than 6-7 grams, it wouldn’t have a significant impact on guinea pig health.
If your guinea pig ate more than 7 grams or had doses of chives, it could trouble your guinea pig. Then you should take quick action.
Chives are toxic for their body. The reaction would be quick to show. The symptoms are mentioned above, and if it matches from it, you should immediately rush to a vet and make sure they are okay.
You should not wait and try home remedies on then because their condition can get worst with time. You should be quick to take medical help in this case.
A little piece of advice: Act calmly and don’t panic. Your guinea pig will be okay if you make it right peacefully without troubling yourself.
Sources: Sources: Toxicity to pets, Some food toxic for pets, Anti-asthmatic effects of allium vegetables.