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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Dill? (Hazards, Serving Size & More)

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Dill? (Hazards, Serving Size & More)

Herbs are an excellent addition to our guinea pig’s diet, provided they are safe for them. But where should you begin with? I clearly remember I had some dill lying around my kitchen, and I thought, can guinea pigs eat dill? So, this is what I have learned.

Guinea pigs can eat dill, along with its stem. Dills are a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and other vital minerals like Manganese, Iron, etc. However, we must serve it in small quantities as it contains a decent amount of calcium, which can be terrible if fed in excess.

Like other herbs, Dill will provide immunity, help in growth and development of bones and teeth, easily digestible, and repair tissues.

So, adding dills to their diet is a good idea. But it also has some side effects too. You must learn everything about this herb before tossing it in.

So, without any delay let’s get right into it.

Are guinea pigs allergic to dill?

No, guinea pigs are not allergic to dills.

There is no such allergic reaction found by eating dill in guinea pigs.

However, you must be careful while introducing dill because some guinea pigs may suffer from diarrhea and bloating when new food is added in their diet.

You can learn more about guinea pig allergies, signs, and what to do from our in-depth article.

Do guinea pigs like dill?

Yes, guinea pigs love eating this herb. Although, you will rarely find your guinea pig saying no to dill.

Some guinea pigs can be nit-picky to certain kinds of food. You must understand that no two guinea pigs are the same.

They have their own choices, own preferences, and they will only eat the food they prefer.

If you are introducing dill to your guinea pig for the 1st time:

  • Offer a small amount for the first time.
  • Keep a close observation on them for around 24-hours.
  • Note down every behavior and reaction towards food.
  • If they show any kind of discomfort or irregular behavior, immediately take out this food from their diet.

Whereas, if your guinea pigs show positive reaction towards the food i.e, if they are enjoying munching on dills, then happily continue feeding them.

Are guinea pigs allowed to eat dill?

Dill is a very healthy treat for the guinea pig, but there are some drawbacks or hazards you need to know by reading the following points:

  1. Rich in calcium & phosphorus: Dills contain a lot of calcium & phosphorus in it, and as we all know, excess of these two compounds is not suitable for guinea pig’s health as it can lead to sludge and bladder stones. 
  2. Stomach disturbance: Dill is healthy and full of nutrients and rich in fibers as well. Excess feeding of dill can lead to several health issues like stomach ache, indigestion, etc.
  3. Urinary and kidney problems: Dill is rich in calcium, and excess calcium intake can cause urinary & kidney stones in guinea pig’s bodies.

Now you know the terrible impact of feeding dills to our guinea pigs.

However, these health issues can be avoided if you feed it in moderation.

Dills are no doubt very healthy and one of the best treats for our guinea pigs. But why? Because Dill provides many health benefits to our guinea pigs as well.

Is dill good for our guinea pigs?

Dills are loaded with several nutrients, including vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, minerals, and protein.

  1. Provides Vitamin A: Vitamin A improves the immune system and helps in growth and bone development.
  2. Good source of vitamin C: Vitamin C is one of the most beneficial nutrients as it helps build a robust immune system and prevent diseases like scurvy.
  3. Important antioxidants: Dill is rich in antioxidants, which help resist infection in the body and reduce the risk of many diseases such as heart, liver kidney & chronic illness.
  4. A good source of energy: Provides the right amount of protein and carbs, which gives our guinea pig instant energy.
  5. Good heart health: Feeding dills to your guinea pig reduces the risk of heart disease and maintains proper heart health.
  6. Good immune system: Dills are so full of nutrients and completes the daily requirements of the body. It gives a healthy immune system to the body.
  7. Good source of iron: Dills provide the right amount of iron to the body, which helps keep the blood clean & healthy and helps prevent anemia.

How much dill can guinea pigs eat at a time?

How much dill can guinea pigs eat at a time?

You should only serve 5-10 sprigs of dill at a time to your guinea pigs.

You can give them the stems as well as the leaves of the herb but in moderation. Excess of it can cause several health issues.

Guinea pigs enjoy eating herbs, and Dill is one of them. It is not just healthy for them, but the guinea pigs also like its taste.

But we know that excess of anything is wrong, even the healthy ones. So make sure you serve it in an appropriate quantity.

How often can guinea pigs eat dill?

If you introduce dills to them for the first time, start giving them dills once a week. You can serve them 2-3 times a week without any issues.

Once they start liking them, you can provide them dills regularly(2-3 times/week) but in a small amount. A small amount won’t cause any harm to them.

Can baby guinea pigs eat dill?

Yes, you can give dills to the baby guinea pigs, but not regularly.

It is good to introduce the baby guinea pig’s with wide variety of food, but you need to be quite slow.

Start with the leaves and the branches in a tiny amount(3-4 sprigs), once or twice a week.

Can guinea pigs eat fresh dill?

They will enjoy fresh dills over the stale ones. All the guinea pigs enjoy eating herbs, and it would be a cherry on top if you serve them fresh. Fresh herbs are a treat to their belly.

Dill is one of the many other herbs that are not harmful to the guinea pigs. The guinea pigs don’t usually eat much, so it is essential to provide them with food rich in vitamins and minerals.

Can guinea pigs eat dill stems?

Yes, you can serve them dills, including the stems. Few stems contain more nutritional value than the leaves. If you are feeding them stems, you are improving their health.

Eating stems is the more fun part for the guinea pigs. It can also help them to keep their dental health maintained. Consistently, chewing helps them to reduce the growth of their teeth, as it grows continuously.

Can guinea pigs eat dill root?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat dill roots, but it is best if you avoid it altogether. Dill roots contain no nutritional value in them. Thus it won’t have any benefits to our guinea pigs. Hence, avoid it altogether.

Can guinea pigs eat dill seeds?

It is recommended to keep dills seed away from guinea pigs. It contains a good amount of starch and sugar, which is not healthy for our guinea pigs.

Seeds are quite hard for them to digest; their digestive tract is designed for grass, hays, and soft leaves.

Also, foods rich in starch and sugar can cause ingestion in guinea pigs. Therefore, do not give them dill seeds.

Can guinea pigs eat dried dill?

No, guinea pigs cannot eat dried dill. When a herb like dill is dried out, most of its essential nutrients like Vitamin C and antioxidants also go away.

Thus, serving dried dill will have no health benefits to our guinea pigs.

Therefore, I recommend you not take any risk and avoid feeding dried dill to your guinea pigs.

Can guinea pigs eat dill pickles?

No, they cannot eat dill pickles. Dill pickles have a high acidic content which can harm our guinea pigs.

It also contains a good amount of sodium, which again is not healthy for them.

Excess of sodium increases the risk of heart failure, stomach cancer, and kidney diseases. So, avoid giving them dill pickles altogether.

Other healthy food that guinea pig can eat?


Guinea pigs can eat rockets, which are also known as rucola.

You can serve them rockets 2-3 times a week, along with other vegetables and herbs.

It contains Vitamin C, which helps to boost immunity. It also contains Vitamin K, which helps in bone and teeth development.


Guinea pigs can eat the leaves along with the stem and the flower of the Dandelion. Dandelion contains most of the essential vitamins, minerals, and fibers required by guinea pigs.

Sometimes guinea pigs eat fruit and other food items that are rich in sugar. Dandelions help in maintaining the blood sugar level in the guinea pig’s body.

You can serve them Dandelion 1-2 times a week but not regularly as Dandelion contains a good amount of calcium, and too much calcium can lead to developing kidney stones.


Adding fennel to guinea pigs’ diet would be a great plan. Fennel is rich in Vitamin c, minerals, and fibers.

Guinea pigs can eat a small amount of fresh fennel 1-2 times a week. It also improves heart health and can be digested easily.


Guinea pigs can eat basil but in a moderate amount. Basil contains Vitamin K, which is essential for healthy bones. It also contains manganese, and it can help to reduce the risk of many diseases.

But it is recommended to feed basil in moderation as it contains calcium and phosphorus, which can lead to urinary problems.


Guinea pigs can eat a mint. It contains fiber, iron along with Vitamin A. But it’s recommended to give them mint once and twice a week.

It lacks one of the essential nutrients required by guinea pigs, i.e., Vitamin C. Sometimes, guinea pigs don’t like the smell of the mint as well.


Guinea pigs can eat parsley. Parsley contains vitamins, potassium, and minerals.

It is rich in Vitamin K, which is an essential nutrient as it helps in quick recovery of wounds.

Parsley contains oxalic acid, and serving oxalic acid regularly can result in kidney failure. Thus serve a small quantity 1-2 times a week only.


Cilantro is again full of nutrients. It contains Vitamin C, calcium, and phosphorus. Studies say that it helps in maintaining blood sugar levels and prevents food poisoning.

But it is recommended to serve it in a small quantity. If fed in large amounts, it can result in indigestion and diarrhea.


The fiber present in thyme helps in better digestion. Your guinea pig enjoys eating thyme.

Thyme also contains vitamin A and manganeses, and these nutrients help boost immunity.

But it is beneficial till given in moderation as it contains calcium, and large amounts of calcium can lead to forming stones in the kidney.

How to prepare dill for guinea pigs?

Feeding them Dill is as simple as any other herb. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Get some fresh and green dill for your guinea pigs.
  • The second step is to wash the Dill to get rid of dirt and chemicals trapped in it.
  • Serve them a small amount of Dill, including the leaves and the branches. You can mix it with other vegetables to create a well-balanced diet.
  • One important thing to remember is to remove the uneaten dills from the cage. Flies and rats generally attack uneaten food.

Conclusion: Guinea pigs and Dill

Dills are a rich source of Vitamin C, fiber, and other essential nutrients needed by our guinea pigs.

Guinea pig’s body requires the right amount of Vitamin C. Their body is not capable of producing Vitamin C on its own. So, adding Dills to their diet will fulfill that requirement.

Can guinea pigs eat Dills? Yes, guinea pigs can eat Dills but in moderation. You can start by serving them 1-2 times every week and then can increase the intake gradually. Make sure you don’t serve more than 5-10 sprigs in one serving.

Guinea pigs can eat both the leaves and the branches of the Dill.
Don’t give them dill seeds as it is quite difficult for them to digest.
Too much Dill can lead to stone formation because of it’s high calcium content.

Sources: Nutrition in dill, Health benefit of dill, Diet Composition of Guinea PigsDietary Vitamin C, and Vitamin E needs of Guinea PigVitamin C need of our guinea-pig.

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