Parsley is a popular herb used in cooking all around the world. It is also known as a nutritional powerhouse as it is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B, vitamin c, Iron, Potassium, and Flavanoids. But how good is it for our guinea pigs? Can we give parsley to guinea pigs? I was curious to learn more about it, so I did some research, and here is what I found out.
Can guinea pigs eat parsley? Yes, guinea pigs can eat parsley for sure. Parsley contains a lot of Vitamin C and other essential nutrients needed by our guinea pigs. However, we should only serve it sparsely by mixing it with other vegetables. Overfeeding parsley can lead to the formation of bladder stones and other gastrointestinal diseases among guinea pigs.
So, that means guinea pigs can eat parsley. But why do guinea pigs need parsley, cilantro, or other vegetables in their diet?
The staple diet of guinea pigs contains mostly hay and a cup of fresh veggies daily. The vegetables provide guinea pigs with much-needed Vitamin C and other nutrients.
Herbs like cilantro and parsley contain a lot of Vitamin C in them, and thus they are an excellent addition to your guinea pig’s diet.
So, now with that out of the way, let us look at the nutrients parsley provides to our guinea pigs.
We shall also learn what the benefits of serving parsley to our guinea pigs are and what are the hazards you must look out for.
Nutrition in parsley?
Source: USDA National Nutrient database
Nutrients | Amount |
Vitamin C | 133 mg/ 100 g |
Vitamin A | 8424 IU |
Vitamin K | 1640 µg/ 100 g |
Calcium | 138 mg/ 100 g |
Phosphorous | 58 mg/ 100 g |
Potassium | 554 mg/ 100 g |
Fiber | 3.3 g/ 100 g |
Sugar | 0.85 g/ 100 g |
Protein | 2.97 g/ 100 g |
Carbs | 6.33 g/ 100 g |
Calories | 36 Kcal |
Fat | 0.79 g/ 100 g |
Water | 87.71 g/ 100 g |
Vitamin A: Parsley is a rich source of Vitamin A that is needed for the proper functioning of the liver, kidney & heart. It is also essential for maintaining good eyesight and the development of skin tissues in the body.
Vitamin C: Parsley also contains a lot of Vitamin C in it. It is essential for maintaining a robust immune system, prevention of diseases, and proper functioning of the body. It also helps in the absorption of iron and other vitamins in the body.
Vitamin K: Vitamin K is yet another essential nutrients that parsley contains in it. Vitamin K is needed for blood clotting that helps in stopping the bleeding after an injury. It also helps in the quick recovery of the wound.
Calcium: Parsley also contains a decent amount of calcium in it. Calcium is needed for the development of the fetal skeleton, growth of teeth and nails & for the secretion of milk in lactating females. The body needs calcium for a lot of functions, and you must ensure that our body never lacks calcium as it can weaken your body and lead to a lot of health issues.
Potassium: Parsley also contains a lot of potassium in it. Potassium is vital for the retention of water in the body. A diet rich in potassium can help prevent stones and other health issues. It also helps regulate muscle contraction and nerve signals in the body.
Flavonoids & other antioxidants: Parsley is also rich in flavonoids and other antioxidants. These antioxidants are needed for strengthening the immune system and the prevention of diseases. They also possess anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties that are useful for the body.
Is parsley bad for guinea pigs?
No, parsley is an excellent addition to your guinea pig’s diet. Parsley is rich in vitamins and minerals needed by guinea pigs. Thus it should be added into your guinea pig’s diet.
However, we should not make it a part of their daily diet. Parsley and other leafy greens like spinach, chard, beet greens, etc. contain a lot of oxalic acid in it.
Guinea pigs can suffer from a lot of health issues if we feed a diet rich in oxalic acid for a prolonged period. Guinea pig’s diet must not contain more than 50 grams of oxalic acid.
Thus, even if these Leafy Greens contain a lot of good vitamins and minerals, we cannot feed it daily to our guinea pigs.
Just like the saying goes, “Anything in excess is bad for health,” the same applies to our guinea pigs as well.
If we feed parsley in moderation, it shall not have any harmful effect. However, feeding excess could be a problem for your guinea pigs.
Some of the most common issues of overfeeding parsley:
- Diarrhea: Diarrhea is also a common problem in disease, and it can be fatal for your guinea pig’s life as well. Guinea pigs have a sensitive digestive system, and excessive feeding of vegetables and herbs like parsley can set if off-balance resulting in severe diarrhea in guinea pigs.
- Stone formation: Parsley also contains a lot of Calcium and Oxalate in it. These minerals can lead to the formation of stone and bladder sludge in guinea pigs. These stones are mostly formed due to the binding of calcium with oxalic acid in the bodies. Thus, overfeeding a food rich in calcium and oxalate acid is a terrible choice to make.
- Renal system failure: Oxalic acid can be fatal for your guinea pigs if overfed. Guinea pigs can only digest a certain amount of oxalic acid in a day. Feeding high oxalic acid food regularly can result in the failure of the renal system in guinea pigs. In most cases, the damage is irreversible and can take the life of your guinea pig.
Parsley is an excellent herb for humans, as well as our guinea pigs. However, excessive feeding of parsley can result in a lot of health issues in guinea pigs. But if you feed it in the right quantities, it does contain a lot of beneficial nutrients as well.
Is parsley good for guinea pigs?
Yes, parsley is an excellent snack for our guinea pigs. Rich in Vitamins and Minerals, this fantastic snack can help your guinea pig stay healthy and live a long life. Some of the benefits of serving parsley to your guinea pigs include:
- Prevention of scurvy: Parsley is rich in Vitamin C, just ten sprigs of parsley can provide 14mg of Vitamin C to your guinea pigs. Guinea pigs need Vitamin C for fortifying their immune system & prevention of scurvy. Scurvy is one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases among guinea pigs. Providing a diet rich in Vitamin C can help prevent scurvy in guinea pigs.
- Improves eyesight: Parsley is rich in Vitamin A, and other essential nutrients that help boost the eyesight and maintain a healthy vision in guinea pigs. The guinea pigs have degenerating eyesight, and providing a diet rich in Vitamin A and other nutrients can help to keep it healthy for long.
- Quick recovery of wounds: Guinea pigs need a lot of Vitamin K in their diet as well. Parsley is rich in Vitamin K, providing guinea pigs with a diet rich in vitamin K can help in quick recovery of their wounds. Vitamin K helps in the clotting of blood and stops bleeding from the wounds very quickly.
- Healthy body growth: Parsley is also rich in a lot of Vitamins and minerals needed by our guinea pigs. Vitamins and minerals like Calcium, Iron, Potassium, and Phosphorous are some essential nutrients present in guinea pigs. Providing a diet rich in such nutrients can help your guinea pigs stay healthy and robust, thus promoting overall healthy growth.
How much parsley can guinea pigs eat?

You can feed 5-10 sprig of parsley to your guinea pigs at a time. Never go beyond that quantity at a time.
The high calcium and oxalic acid can harm your guinea pigs if fed in excess.
Always make sure you mix parsley with other vegetables like lettuce, zucchini, cucumber, bell peppers, etc. and serve a cup of fresh vegetables daily to make the diet complete.
The serving size of parsley may depend upon the age, diet, and many other factors of your guinea pigs.
Young and pregnant guinea pigs need some extra calcium, so you can toss a few extra sprigs for them.
However, old guinea pigs or matured guinea pigs can have bladder sludge and stone in their bladder if fed with a diet high in calcium.
How often can guinea pigs eat parsley?
Guinea pigs can eat parsley 2-3 times a week. Parsley does contain a lot of vitamins and minerals that are essential for our guinea pigs.
However, if you feed it daily, they can suffer from health issues, including bladder stones and diarrhea. You must never go beyond three times a week while serving parsley to your guinea pigs.
Keeping the serving on the check is the best way to reap all the benefits while avoiding the harmful effect of it on your guinea pigs.
Can guinea pigs eat parsley leaves?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat parsley leaves for sure. Parsley contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are essential for our guinea pigs.
You can mix it with other veggies and herbs to provide a balanced diet to your guinea pigs.
Can guinea pigs eat parsley stems?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat parsley stem with no problem at all. Parsley stems are rich in fibers and nutrient that is essential for our guinea pigs.
While some guinea pig owners debate that serving stems of parsley can be bad for the digestive system of your guinea pigs.
However, there is no concrete proof regarding the same.
Can guinea pigs eat parsley flakes?
No, guinea pigs cannot eat parsley flakes at all. These flakes contain some added preservatives and other ingredients that are bad for our guinea pig’s health.
Can guinea pigs eat parsley root?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat parsley root but only in moderation. Parsley root is rich in fiber and antioxidants that are essential for our guinea pigs.
Feeding roots of parsley can help boost the digestion and liver function of your guinea pigs.
Can guinea pigs eat dried parsley?
No, you cannot serve dried parsley to your guinea pigs. Dried parsley doesn’t have many nutrients in it.
It also contains added preservatives in it that is terrible for your guinea pig’s health. Thus, it is best to serve only fresh parsley to your guinea pigs.
How to prepare parsley for guinea pigs?
Preparing parsley for your guinea pig is relatively simple. You can follow the following steps to make sure you prepare the parsley for your guinea pigs in the right way:
- The first step is to get some good parsley for your guinea pigs. The parsley you serve your guinea pigs must be free from pesticides and chemicals. Avoid wilting parsley as it is terrible for your guinea pig’s health.
- The second step is to wash the parsley properly. The leaves and stems of parsley can contain some pesticides and chemicals that are harmful to your guinea pig’s health. Thus, make sure you wash it properly before offering it to your guinea pigs.
- You can now go ahead and mix a few sprigs of parsley with other vegetables and serve it in a bowl to your guinea pigs.
- The final step is to remove any uneaten food from the cage. Uneaten food can attract rats and flies, which is a threat to your guinea pigs.
Conclusion: Parsley and Guinea pigs
- Parsley is an excellent source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and lots of other nutrients essential for our guinea pigs.
- Can guinea pigs eat parsley? Yes, guinea pigs can eat parsley but only in moderation.
- Parsley contains lots of essential vitamins that are beneficial for our guinea pigs.
- You should only serve 5-10 sprigs of parsley at a time to your guinea pigs. Feed it 2-3 times a week only to avoid health issues.
- Overfeeding parsley can lead to the formation of stones, renal problems, and other health issues in guinea pigs.
- Always remember that the significant portion of your guinea pig’s diet is hay. You should only serve a cup of fresh vegetables to your guinea pigs daily. Vegetables can never replace hay in your guinea pig’s diet.
Can guinea pigs eat Italian parsley?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat Italian parsley but only in moderation.
Can guinea pigs eat flat-leaf parsley?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat flat-leaf parsley in moderation.
Can guinea pigs eat Chinese parsley?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat Chinese parsley in moderation.
Can guinea pigs eat baby parsley?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat baby parsley in moderation.
Can guinea pigs eat parsley flowers?
No, it is best to avoid serving parsley flower to your guinea pigs.
Can guinea pigs eat fresh parsley?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat fresh parsley. The fact is you must only serve raw, fresh parsley to your guinea pigs.
Can guinea pigs eat parsley every day?
No, guinea pigs cannot eat parsley every day. Parsley contains a lot of calcium and oxalate that is bad for your guinea pig’s health if fed every day. Make sure you never feed parsley more than 2-3 times a week.
Can guinea pigs eat too much parsley?
No, guinea pigs cannot overeat parsley. Overfeeding parsley can hurt your guinea pig’s health. You should only feed 5-10 sprigs of parsley in one serving. Anything above that can be harmful to your guinea pigs.
Sources: Health benefits of parsley, Uses of Parsley, Diet Composition and Mineral Balance in Guinea Pigs, Dietary Vitamin C, and Vitamin E on Guinea Pig Immune Responses to Mitogens, Vitamin C requirements of the guinea-pig, Is Your Guinea Pig’s Diet Providing the Right Nutrients? Care of Guinea Pigs.
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