Celery is considered a low-calorie vegetable that is rich in lots of nutrients and minerals needed by our body. However, looking at the crunchy and hard stalk, I find many guinea pig owners wondering if it is safe for their guinea pigs. Can guinea pigs eat celery? I did a brief research and here is what I found.
Guinea pigs can eat celery along with its leaves and stalk, but only in moderation. It is a rich source of Vitamin C that is essential for your guinea pigs. But excessive feeding can lead to diarrhea and urinary problems as celery contains a decent amount of calcium in it.
You should also never serve celery if your guinea pigs have a medical history of bladder stone or sludge.
A high calcium food like celery is not the optimal choice for such guinea pigs. Also, make sure you mix celery with other 5-6 types of veggies to make it a balanced diet.
Include some low calcium vegetables like Lettuce, Bell peppers, Cucumber, Zucchini, etc. It is important to serve a cup of fresh vegetables daily to your guinea pigs. You can split it into two servings and serve it two times a day for optimal results.
Nutrition in celery?
Source: USDA National Nutrient database
Nutrients | Amount |
Vitamin C | 3.1 mg/ 100 g |
Vitamin K | 29.3 µg/100 g |
Folate | 36 µg/ 100 g |
Calcium | 40 mg/ 100 g |
Phosphorous | 24 mg/ 100 g |
Potassium | 260 mg/ 100 g |
Fiber | 1.6 g/ 100 g |
Sugar | 1.34 g/ 100 g |
Protein | 0.69 g/ 100 g |
Carbs | 2.97 g/ 100 g |
Calories | 14 Kcal |
Fat | 0.17 g/ 100 g |
Water | 95.43 g/ 100 g |
Vitamin c: Celery contains a hint of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for the body as it helps fight a lot of diseases & strengthen our immune system. It also helps in the formation of blood vessels and collagen in the body.
Vitamin K: Celery contains a decent amount of Vitamin K in it. Vitamin K is yet another essential Vitamin as it helps in the clotting of blood and quick recovery of wounds.
Folate: Celery is a rich source of folate for the body. Folate is a B-vitamin that has multiple functions in the body. The primary purpose of folate is the formation of Red blood cells, Conversion of Carbohydrates into energy, and more.
Antioxidants: Celery is a low carb green vegetable that is rich in Antioxidants. It contains over 14 different types of antioxidants, including beta carotene and flavonoids. These are essential for the protection of cells and vital organs from oxidative damage and for maintaining a robust immune system in the body.
Is celery bad for guinea pigs?

No, celery is not bad for your guinea pig’s health. In fact, celery is an excellent addition to your guinea pig’s diet.
If fed in moderation, celery can provide your guinea pigs with lots of benefits. However, excessive feeding can have some harmful effects on your guinea pig’s health.
Here are some common problems of overfeeding celery to your guinea pigs.
Stone formation: Bladder stone is a common problem diagnosed in guinea pigs. Celery is rich in calcium and oxalic acid that can lead to the formation of bladder stone when fed in excess. Always ensure you feed celery with a mix of other low calcium vegetables to avoid health issues.
Diarrhea: Diarrhea is a common health issue diagnosed among guinea pigs. Guinea pigs cannot digest complex food well. Adding food rich in complex vitamins and minerals into your guinea pig’s diet can often lead to diarrhea in guinea pigs. Always make sure you introduce new food slowly and feed in it small quantities to avoid health issues.
Urinary problems: Celery contains a good amount of calcium and oxalic acid that can lead to urinary problems in guinea pigs. It would be wise to serve celery in small quantities to avoid such health issues in guinea pigs.
Is celery good for guinea pigs?
Celery is a low-calorie veggie rich in Vitamins and antioxidants. It possesses a lot of benefits for your guinea pigs if fed in the right quantity. Let us have a look at some significant benefits of feeding celery to our guinea pigs:
Improves eyesight: Celery is rich in beta carotene or Vitamin A that is essential for maintaining healthy vision in guinea pigs. Guinea pigs have degenerating eyesight, and serving a food rich in Vitamin A can help slow down the degeneration process and helps in maintaining a healthy vision.
Reduces Inflammation: Celery is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that are beneficial for our guinea pigs. It can help in preventing inflammation of vital organs, cells, and even blood vessels.
Fights against diseases: Celery contains lots of antioxidants and vitamins that can help fight against lots of diseases. Studies claim that celery has over 22 compounds that can prevent lots of diseases in guinea pigs. It also helps in strengthening the immune system of our guinea pigs that is crucial to ensure your guinea pigs live a long life.
How often can guinea pigs eat celery?

Guinea pigs can eat celery a few times a week. Try to limit the serving to one or two times a week.
Celery does contain a lot of vitamins and minerals needed by our guinea pigs; however, it is high in calcium and oxalate that is not good for our guinea pigs.
A small feeding a few times a week shall be great for our guinea pigs; however, excessive feeding can lead to health issues.
How much celery can a guinea pig eat?
You can serve a small size stalk with some leaves to your guinea pigs at a time.
It is recommended to go with 1/6 of the size of your stalk mixed with other leafy green vegetables to ensure a balanced diet for your guinea pigs.
Since celery is high in calcium and oxalate, including low calcium veggies like lettuce, bell peppers, cilantro would be a good option for your guinea pigs. There are a variety of vegetables that you can offer to your guinea pigs.
Can guinea pigs eat celery leaves?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat celery leaves but in moderation. The leaves of celery also contain a decent amount of calcium and oxalic acid in it. Thus, overfeeding can lead to bladder stones and sludge in guinea pigs.
Mix some celery stalk with leaves and other veggies and make a complete balanced diet for your guinea pigs.
Can guinea pigs eat celery sticks?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat celery sticks. Celery sticks or stalks have a rough and hard texture, which is good for our guinea pig’s teeth.
It helps grind down the teeth of our guinea pigs that is evergrowing.
Can guinea pigs eat celery tops?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat celery tops. Celery tops, including stalk and leaves, can be fed in small quantities to our guinea pigs. Avoid overfeeding as it can lead to health issues in guinea pigs.
Can guinea pigs eat celery root?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat celery roots, but it is best to avoid it altogether. Celery roots contain a lot of starch, that is not good for our guinea pigs.
It might also include some traces of fertilizers and other chemicals that are harmful to our guinea pigs.
Can guinea pigs eat celery hearts?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat celery stalks. However, the stalk of celery has a bitter taste that is not something your guinea pigs will enjoy eating.
Avoid overfeeding the heart and stalk as well as it contains a lot of calcium and oxalate in it.
How to prepare celery for guinea pigs?

Preparing celery for your guinea pigs is easy and straightforward. Here are the simple steps you can follow:
- Get a fresh piece of celery for your guinea pigs. Cut the base portion of celery and wash the stalk and leaf portion under running water. Make sure to wash it properly, so any chemicals attached to it gets washed away.
- If the celery stalks have fibrous strings, remove it by making a small cut at the end and peeling off the stalk.
- You can now serve the suggested feeding that is 1/6th of the stalks and leaves and mix it with other vegetables to prepare a cup.
- Lastly, you need to remove any uneaten fruits or vegetables from the cage to avoid fly and rats infestation in the cage.
Conclusion: Celery and Guinea pigs
- Celery is rich in Vitamins and minerals that are essential for our guinea pigs.
- Can guinea pigs eat celery? Yes, guinea pigs can eat celery but only in moderation. Mix it with a cup of other veggies to make a complete balanced diet for our guinea pigs.
- You should only feed 1/6 of a stalk along with its leaves at a time.
- Limit the serving of celery to 1-2 times a week. Never feed it more than that as it can lead to health issues in guinea pigs.
- Some common health issues of overfeeding celery to your guinea pigs include Bladder stones, diarrhea, and urinary diseases.
- Always remember that the staple part of your guinea pig’s diet is hay. Vegetables should be served in limited quantities (1 cup daily), and it should not replace the staple part of their diet i.e. Hay.
Are guinea pigs allowed to eat celery?
Yes, guinea pigs are allowed to eat celery but only in small quantities.
Why can’t guinea pigs eat celery?
Guinea pigs can eat celery but in moderation. Excessive feeding is terrible for your guinea pig’s health. However, sparse feeding is not bad at all.
Can celery kill guinea pigs?
Yes, overfeeding celery to your guinea pigs can be terrible for their health. The high oxalic acid in celery can lead to serious health issues in our guinea pigs. It can also lead to death in some cases.
Can guinea pigs eat Chinese celery?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat Chinese celery.
Can guinea pigs eat celery every day?
No, guinea pigs cannot eat celery every day. The high oxalic acid and calcium in celery can lead to serious health issues, and thus, celery should never be made a part of our guinea pig’s daily diet.
Source: Celery Nutrition Facts, Celery: Health Benefits & Nutrition Facts, Diet Composition and Mineral Balance in Guinea Pigs, Dietary Vitamin C, and Vitamin E on Guinea Pig Immune Responses to Mitogens, Vitamin C requirements of the guinea-pig, Is Your Guinea Pig’s Diet Providing the Right Nutrients? Care of Guinea Pigs.
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