Guinea pigs are free-running and nervous animals, they constantly look air for potential danger and looks for a way to flee from it. So, the guinea pig will not be very fond of being walked like dogs. But can guinea pigs wear collars like dogs? Is it safe for them?
If you take your guinea pigs outside, then they may run away or even get lost. So having a harness is crucial, especially if the perimeter is not secured. Always prefer to use a harness over the collars as it provides an even distribution of weight and is a lot safer as well.
Proper training is needed before preparing your guinea pig to wear a harness.
That could be a long process, but it is crucial if you want to take your guinea pigs outside, especially when they have an open area to run away and get lost.
So, in this article, we shall discuss all about the collar and harness. We will also study which one is good for your guinea pigs.
Are collars safe for guinea pigs?
An owner can attach a belt to a collar and take their guinea pig in a walk. That could be an excellent way to encourage your guinea pig to have an exercise.
There are some risks related to guinea pig collars. Follow these guidelines while planning to attach a collar to your guinea pig:
- An owner should make sure that the guinea pig is comfortable with a collar. If your guinea pig refuses to wear a collar, then don’t force them to wear it.
- Pick a collar of an exact size. It should be of a size where your guinea pig can breathe properly and not enough space for it to slip the corner.
- Never jerk the lead while your guinea pig is wearing a collar. Guinea pigs have brittle, fragile bones.
- Always look to make sure that it does not get the collar trapped on another external object.
- Never tie the lead to an insentient object and leave your guinea pig unattended.
- Make sure that the edge is long enough and extendable. Your guinea pig may dummy or run unanticipatedly while tied on the collar. That can end up your guinea pig being strangled.
Guinea pig collar can be beneficial in other ways. The owner can attach the information of contact. If your guinea pig manages to escape, you can be informed if it is found.
Can guinea pigs wear harnesses?
Harnesses are seemed to be safer for guinea pigs than a collar. The harness provides an even distribution of weight throughout a guinea pig’s body.
Your guinea pig will not harm themselves in case you move a harnessed guinea pig quickly.
A guinea pig harness will be secured by buckles or velcro.
Similarly, with a collar, the fit is essential. Go for a harness in which you can put your two fingers beneath it.
Make sure you don’t keep it to lose as it can result in an escape of your guinea pig. Your guinea pig will run away and be almost impossible to keep up with.
A harness is often used for training the guinea pigs for moving quickly and easily, which is also known as agility training. Some guinea pigs love agility training, but others show an unwillingness to take part in it.
If you are making any plan on exercising your guinea pig on lead, then always use a harness.
You have to train them very well. Your guinea pig will need some time to get used to it, as wearing it will not come naturally to your guinea pig.
Also please note that guinea pigs are not as smart as dogs, so it can be extremely challenging for you to lead train a guinea pig.
Best harness for guinea pig
The best harness for the guinea pig is the one that fits the best. There are three types of harness.
- The H-style: This is very easy to put on, and your guinea pig will also breathe easily.
- The mesh harness: This harness is also very comfortable and breathable.
- The vest harness: This harness has a good hold.
The vest harness is the most suggested as it gives enough comfort to your guinea pig. The owner should be careful when slipping the harness on and ensure it fits comfortably.
Always try to put your two fingers beneath the harness to make sure that it is fit and comfortable for your guinea pig.
Ensure that your guinea pig is not getting hurt by the harness. Some of the symptoms to detect that if your guinea pig is getting hurt are:
- Irritability
- Fear of contact
- Loss of hair around the area
- Nervousness
Immediately stop using the harness once you detect any of the above issues in your guinea pig.
Tips to use harness safely with your guinea pigs
The owner should always make sure that the harness is not too tight. A too-loose harness can also be a problem, as a guinea pig can easily slip away from that and escape. Avoid regularly using the harness every time.
Some of the owners of guinea pigs have been reported back injuries because of the regular use of a harness. It is also suitable for the owner to limit the time of using the harness.
Sometimes putting a harness in your guinea pig can make them feel as if they have been trapped.
Immediately remove the harness from your guinea pig when you come to know that your guinea pig is not comfortable or being stressed.
You should train your guinea pig before planning to attach a harness. You can hold them in the same place where the harness is attached so that they get familiar with the contact in that area.
How to harness train a guinea pig

If you are preparing your mind to walk your guinea pig on a lead, you will need to train it first. That will be a lengthy process. Your guinea pig is unlikely to ever walk next to you in a straight line, matching your footstep.
The very first stage of training is introducing harnesses to your guinea pig.
Lay it on the floor, and let your guinea pig approach. If your guinea pig seems to play with the harness, then it is okay.
Soon your guinea pig will grow no particular interest to the sight of its harness. The very next stage is to convince your guinea pig to wear it.
Attach the harness, making the fuss all the while. Offer your guinea pig their favorite treat, and leave your guinea pig wearing a harness at least twenty-minute.
Don’t hurry with your guinea pig. Let your guinea pig wear the harness for the first few days of training.
That will let you know that your guinea pig is comfortable with it or not.
If your guinea pig is chewing and struggling with the harness after someday, it is best to give up. You are just going to prolong your guinea pig’s pain.
When you are ready, attach a lead and start walking your guinea pig inside your home. Every once in a while, give a very gentle pull possible. That will establish the give-and-take nature of walking on a lead.
Once your guinea pig is lead trained in the home, you can take your guinea pig for walking around the backyard. Soon your guinea pig will be confident when they will be able to cover a large surface area.
Can you take a guinea pig for a walk?
Most of the guinea pigs are not fond of walking on a lead. Guinea pigs are independent animals.
But, attaching a point to a harness and walking your guinea pig can be useful. It is the only way to exercise a nervous guinea pig. That can make your guinea pig braver.
Your guinea pig may need some physical recovery. Illness or injury can leave a guinea pig, feeling a lack of energy. An accompanied walk is required to encourage your guinea pig to get physical again.
If you are prepared to start walking your guinea pig, make sure you never take your guinea pig to outside streets.
Potential threats while taking your guinea pig’s outside
Taking your guinea pig out on the street can be very dangerous. There are several dangers related to taking guinea pigs outside:
- All the visuals smell, and the sounds of the outdoors can end up overwhelming your guinea pig. That all will panic your guinea pig.
- If your guinea pig is enjoying being outdoors, they will grow quickly excited. That could result in their breaking free from the harness and escape. They can break out from their enclosure.
- Guinea pigs use their mouth to explore the world. Your guinea pig will eat and lick all types of dangerous things. That can result in intestinal blockage.
- Guinea pigs are not vaccinated against various kinds of diseases, and also they have a weak immune system. Guinea pigs can get in contact with multiple conditions while walking around the streets.
- In the end, your guinea pig’s interest will take over. They will wish to explore the new world on their own. They can hurt themselves by pulling on the lead.
- Guinea pigs can face danger everywhere. Neighborhood cats and dogs can appear from apparently anywhere, as can wild birds.
Guinea pig walking on a lead should always be a temporary thing. Being an independent animal, your guinea pig will still want to run free in the end. You should always encourage this behavior of your guinea pig.
Guinea pigs will always get more exercise this way. It will just take a while to get it there.
You should never use harness on a regular basis. It is something that can be used once in a while when you want to take your guinea pig’s outside.
We came to know that a guinea pig can wear harness from all the above information. The harness seems to be safer than the collar.
The harness provides an even distribution of weight. The owner should take care that you will need to train your guinea pig before preparing your guinea pig to wear a harness.
The owner should take care of the fitness of the harness or collars. Harness should not be too tight, which can make your guinea pig struggling to breathe.
It should also not be too loose so that your guinea pig can slip away and escape. In any case, you detect that your guinea pig is feeling uncomfortable wearing harness, immediately take out the harness from your guinea pig as it can cause stress to your guinea pig.
Taking your guinea pig out on the street can be a bad idea, as your guinea pig will be stressed by the visuals, sound, and smell of the outside world.
They can come with contact with various diseases as guinea pigs explore the whole world through their mouth.
Sources: Guinea Pig Handling, Guinea pig research, Effects of Animal-Assisted Activities with Guinea Pigs