Garlic is one of the most common foods among us. It adds up great flavor to dishes and used for medical purposes too, it has several health benefits, and for us, garlic can be very beneficial. But the question is, what about our guinea pig? Is it is safe for guinea pig too? Can guinea pigs eat garlic?
Guinea pigs cannot eat garlic. It contains 33 sulfur compounds like Allin, trisulfide, diallyl, etc. which is terrible for our guinea pig’s health. Consumption of garlic can affect the body’s functions, and it may also lead to a life-threatening situation.
The presence of some compound like disulfide, make garlic very toxic for our guinea pig and they cannot eat anything from blub. So try to avoid feeding them as much as you can.
Feeding garlic can be very risky and life-threatening for our guinea pigs.
It can havoc their health badly and can cause some serious trouble such as the Itching problem, irritation in eyes & nose, diarrhea, Skin inflammation, breathing problem, digestion problem, an increase in heart rate, pain in urine and stomach ace, etc.
Despite having excellent nutrient benefits in garlic, the risk outweighs the benefits for guinea pigs.
Therefore, never feed garlic to them and Keep your guinea pig miles away from garlic.
I can understand that you are left with more doubt in your mind, so in this article have covered everything you need to know about guinea pigs can garlic. So, let’s get right into it.
Are guinea pigs allergic to garlic?
A Guinea pig may have allergic to garlic if they show an adverse reaction togarlic such as:
- Itching in eyes, mouth, and body
- Weakness & dizziness
- Skin inflammation
- Watery eyes and nose
- Restless behavior
- Difficulty in breathing etc.
Anyhow, garlic is all over harmful and toxic for them. Hence, guinea pigs cannot eat garlic at all.
Also read: All about guinea pig allergies
Do guinea pigs like garlic?
Generally, guinea pigs are seen taking less interest in garlic, but the importance can vary from guinea pigs to guinea pigs.
If guinea pig finds garlic around them, they might get curious about it and try to eat. So you should be careful and find a place for garlic where they don’t have their eye and reach.
Are guinea pigs allowed to eat garlic?
No, guinea pigs cannot eat garlic. Garlic is straight poison for them and can havoc their health and get into many painful troubles:
Following are a few hazards of having garlic-
- Excess calcium & Phosphorus: If guinea pigs consume food rich in phosphorus, they grow more slowly, and the survival period is shortened. Diet high in calcium value can result in kidney stone formation.
- Stomach or digestion trouble: Guinea pig’s digestive tract is unable to process large amounts of calcium and phosphorus. It can irritate the guinea pig’s digestive tract and lead to several health-related issues like stomach ache and indigestion.
- Bleeding disorder: Feeding fresh garlic can increase the risk of bleeding and also affects blood clotting.
- Lower blood pressure: Studies say that eating garlic regularly lowers blood pressure, and low blood pressure can result in heart failure.
- Many other problems: If by any chance they eat garlic they can get into significant trouble like itching problem, irritation in eye and mouth, nasal secretion, respiratory & breathing problems, excess salivation, Increases in heart rate and Pain in urine
Can guinea pigs eat other types of garlic?
Strictly speaking, guinea pigs can’t eat anything from the allium family, especially the raw garlic, but flavored herbs can add up something new to their taste buds.
Guinea pigs have adverse effects on their health when fed up with garlic or any bulb food.
Since all the garlic has the same components, so any type of garlic in any form, whether it is boiled or raw, wouldn’t work for them.
It is entertaining to feed and take care of Guinea pigs because, unlike other animals, these cuties are fond of fresh veggies and herbs instead of commercially produced foods. So you can add up some fresh fruits and vegetables to their nutrients chart.
General FAQ on Guinea pigs and garlic
Can guinea pigs eat raw garlic?
No, Guinea pigs cannot eat raw garlic
They cannot eat anything from a bulb as it can be poisonous or toxic for them.
Can guinea pigs eat garlic skin?
The simple answer is No. Because it is said that these guinea pigs cannot have garlic’s skin or any bulb foods, neither garlic nor onion, although it won’t kill them, yes will show some significant side effects on their health.
Due to the presence of disulfide compounds in garlic layers, it acts like poison for Guinea pigs. So it’s better not to feed garlic’s skin or garlic or any bulb food to Guinea pigs.
Can guinea pigs eat garlic greens?
If you are wondering, should I give my guinea pig garlic greens?
Then the answer is yes. Guinea pigs can eat garlic greens but in moderation.
Apart from that, it keeps the other parts of the garlic away from them.
Can guinea pigs eat garlic bread?
It is not the best idea to serve garlic bread. Garlic is not suitable for Guinea pigs; it can make them sick.
Guinea pig’s food tracts can not digest processed food, just serving them fresh hay, vegetables, fruits, and herbs.
Can guinea pigs eat wild garlic and leaves?
No, they cannot eat wild garlic or anything from a bulb. That means guinea pigs cannot eat onions, chives, leeks, and shallots as these are also from a bulb.
These foods are not healthy for them, try to keep it as far as possible.
If they have it by mistake, then it will not kill them, of course, but can have serious side effects, and we don’t want our little pet to suffer.
What happens if a guinea pig eats garlic?
If, in any case, guinea pigs are fed with bulb foods, they can ruin their health.
Garlic, at times, is somewhat beneficial for them, but the risk outweighs the benefits. So try to avoid feeding them as much as you can.
One more thing to consider is that the Guinea pigs cannot vomit if they are fed something toxic, so make sure that if you are feeding something, it must be adequately digested.
How common is garlic poisoning in guinea pigs?

Garlic poisoning is quite usual in guinea pigs, as a tiny amount of garlic can also lead to serious health-related issues.
Garlic holds 33 sulfur compounds like Allin, trisulfide, diallyl, etc., and few amino acids.
Some of these compounds are very skeptical for our guinea pigs and conclude in deficit and damage of red blood cells because of which temperament of the body can be affected.
The appearance of issues like dry eyes, eyes redness, nasal secretion, pulmonary disorders, excess salivation, and gut-related problems can be seen.
Symptoms can even get unstable after a few hours.
Therefore, if, by chance, your guinea pig eats garlic and exhibits these reactions, without wasting any time, you should consult the vet.
Symptoms of garlic poisoning in guinea pigs?
Symptoms of garlic poison are quite quick and familiar in guinea pigs and can be determined within 12-24 hours.
Following are some sign or symptoms of garlic poison in guinea pigs:
- Problem indigestion
- Stomach ache
- Itching in body
- Watery eyes and noses
- Problem in breathing
- Restless feeling
- excess salivation
- Increases in heart rate
- Walking in a circle
- Pain in urine
If you notice these kinds of reactions in your guinea pig, without any delay, you need to take them to there vet immediately. Otherwise, it can be life-threatening for them.
How to prevent garlic poisoning in guinea pigs?
- We all know, precaution is better than cure. Few precaution measures you can take to prevent garlic poisoning in guinea pigs.Try not to add any food from a bulb to a guinea pig’s diet.
- If your little friend is free to roam around, then try to keep garlic away from their reach and sight.
- The Guinea pig should be provided with such a diet which completes all daily healthy requirements and necessary nutrition so that they can have an excellent immune system to fight against onion Poisoning.
- If you have an onion or garlic Yard, strict measures should be taken to keep them out of their reach. Otherwise, your cute little pet will need to see a vet.
My guinea pig ate garlic?
Don’t worry if the guinea pig had taken garlic in a small quantity (less than 6-7grams are digestible). It won’t affect us much, but if they had taken an excessive amount, you immediately need to see the vet.
Crushed raw garlic segregates calcium and phosphorus, strengthening the bone tissues and, thus, strong bones, but if taken in excessive amounts, it can cause real trouble.
In some cases, the effects depend on their weight and age.
These adorable cavies might have to suffer from painful or itchy urination.
This raw garlic not only gives allergic reactions but sometimes severe issues like kidney stones due to excessive deposition of calcium.
So if your little piggies have ingested it in an excessive amount and show any of the above symptoms, immediately check-in to the nearby vet hospital.
You need to have some first aid meds at home to help your Guinea. Don’t panic much, making commotion won’t help.
Sources: Toxicity to pets, Some food toxic for pets, Anti-asthmatic effects of allium vegetables.