I clearly remember a few years back when I got my self a pair of guinea pigs. For me choosing the right breed and color wasn’t that tough in the pet store but choosing the perfect Guinea pig names was really mind-boggling.
I tried coming up with 100’s of names before I got the right one for my guinea pigs. I wonder that some of you guys might also be going through the same phase. Even you must be struggling to get the perfect name. So, here I have compiled a list of over 1100+ Guinea pig names for you guys to choose from. I bet you can find the perfect name for your guinea pigs in this article.
Choosing The Right Guinea Pig Names
Picking the right name for your guinea pigs could be really tough sometimes. But do not worry you can just get the perfect name for your guinea pig in the next few minutes itself. Here is a list of few things you must consider so that you can choose the right name for your guinea pigs.
Sort the list of Guinea pig names you like:
It would be great if you sort some of the names that catch your interest and take note of them. This would help you to narrow down to some of the best ones for your guinea pigs. Now you can narrow down further by writing beside them why you chose the particular ones. This would help eliminate names you are unsure about.
Ask suggestions with your friends and family:
If you are still unable to figure out or sort out the names from the list, you can just make a list and send them to your friends and family and ask for their suggestions on what they think would be a perfect name for your guinea pig.
Ask for suggestions on forums and groups:
You can also ask for the name suggestion in some groups and forums where there are people talking about guinea pigs. There are lots of people out there who would be more than happy to share their suggestions.
Name your guinea pigs on based on its breed:
You can definitely name your guinea pigs on the basis of their breed and coloration. Like Guinea pigs with black color, fur can be called blackie or white fur can be called as snowball or snow white. In the same way, we can also name them on the basis of their fur coat. Where a short hair guinea pig can be called spiky, a long-haired one can be called silkie.
Let the personality decide your Guinea pig names:
Guinea pig’s names can also be chosen based on their personality. When you keep an eye on your guinea pig’s behavior for some days you will notice that each one has a different personality. While some guinea pigs are more active and running around the cage the other might be a lazy one taking a nap every now and then. You can definitely find some great names in our 1100+ Guinea pig names list for their matching personality traits.
Decide whether you want a common or unique name:
Another factor you would like to consider when choosing your guinea pig names would be the type of name you want. Some people like to have some common names like Cookie, popcorn, oreo, etc. while others want some unique names for their guinea pigs. Something like Alvin, chipmunk works great for others.
Choose a matching name for pairs:
Some people also like to give their guinea pigs a matching name which is great if you have a pair of guinea pigs. Something like Ginnie and Winnie, Tom & Jerry would be a great choice for them.
Here is an article by wiki-how on how to choose a name guinea pig name. This might be a good resource as well.
I hope now you have a framework in mind by now which shall help you go through the list of Guinea pig names below and choose the perfect match for your little furry companion.
Guinea pig Names starting from letter “A”
Here is a list of few Guinea pig names starting with A. Have a look into it and see if there is something that suits your guinea pig’s personality.

Aladdin | Abbott | Abby | Abu |
Ace | Agatha | Akira | Akka |
Alaska | Albert | Alf | Alfie |
Alfin | Alice | Alphonse | Alpine |
Altas | Alvin | Andy | Angel |
Angie | Anna | Annie | Apollo |
Apricot | Ariel | Arnold | Arthur |
Aspen | Astin | Atom | Ava |
Avery | Azax |
Guinea pig Names starting from letter “B”
Didn’t find anything good in A? Or looking for a matching name in B? Let’s check out some of the awesome guinea pig names from letter B.

Bacon | Baclo | Bailey | Bambi |
Barbie | Barry | Basil | Batik |
Bella | Belle | Benny | Benpen |
Bessie | Beth | Betty | Betty Boop |
Bezip | Bianca | Bicor | Bilberry |
Biscuit | Blossom | Bluebell | Bolt |
Booma | Boppy | Borbor | Boris |
Boston | Bramble | Brandy | Brian |
Bruce | Brutus | Bubbles | Bubby |
Buffy | Bugzy | Bunble | Bunny |
Buttercup |
Guinea pig Names starting from letter “C”

We have also got a list of few good names starting with the letter “C”. Let’s have a look at them and see if there is something for your guinea pigs.
Candyfloss | Cara | Casper | Charlie |
Charlotte | Cheese | Cherry | Chica |
Chole | Chomper | Chubby | Chucky |
Chunky | Cinderella | Cindy | Cinnabunn |
Cinnabunny | Cinnamon | Claire | Clarice |
Claudette | Cleopatra | Cloud Chaser | Clyde |
Coco | Cocoa | Coconut | Cookie |
Coral | Corby | Corky | Corrie |
Cosmo | Cottonball | Cottoncandy | Creampuff |
Cressida | Crowley | Cruello | Crumpet |
Crunchie | Crystal | Cuddles | Curly |
Guinea pig Names starting from letter “D”
Now let us peek into some Guinea pig names starting with letter D. Although there are some popular names in D like Daisy, Dusty, Donald, Dexter, Dave, etc still you can look into more options to add it to your list.

Droppy | Dabbler | Dacey | Dafny |
Daisy | Daisy Mae | Danazol | Daphne |
Darcy | Darla | Dasher | Dave |
Dawn | Denny | Dewey | Dexter |
Dilys | Dior | Dixie | Dodger |
Dolye | Domino | Donald | Donnie |
Doogle | Dopey | Doraemon | Doris |
Dorito | Dudley | Duffy | Dumboi |
Duobe | Dusty | Dylan |
Guinea Pig Names starting from letter “E”
Even letter E has lots of names to choose from. Some of the popular guinea pig names would be something like an Eevee, Eddie, Emmy, and Ember. You can also look into more. “The more the merrier”

Eamon | Earl | Ebony | Echo |
Eddie | Eddy | Eden | Edgar |
Edward | Edwin | Effie | Efren |
Elevin | Ellen | Ellie | Ellis |
Elmo | Elon | Elsa | Elva |
Elvira | Elvis | Ely | Ember |
Emery | Emma | Emmy | Emmy lou |
Enid | Enzo | Ergo | Estella |
Eureka | Eevee | Eyna | Ezio |
Ezra |
Guinea Pig Names starting from letter “F”
Falcon, Frankie, Frisky, Freddie could be some great names to go with. Although there are many other names that could be a fit. Go ahead and have a look at them.

Fabio | Falcon | Fawn | Fifi |
Filmore | Finley | Finn | Finnegan |
Fiora | Flash | Fleur | Flopsy |
Flora | Floss | Flower | Floyd |
Fluff | Fluffy | Fooly cooly | Fox |
Fran | Frankie | Franny | Freddie |
Freya | Frisky | Frizzy | Frodo |
Fudge | Fudgie | Furball | Furby |
Fuzzy bear | Figi |
Guinea Pig Names starting from letter “G”
There are some great names in letter G for your guinea pigs. I personally love Ginger, Griffin, Grizzly and Goofy more than others. But you might also find some great ones from the list.

Gabbrille | Geena | Gerald | Gertrude |
Gigi | Gina | Ginger | Ginger bread |
Gingi | Ginny | Ginny pig | Girly |
Gizmo | Gizzi | Gleek | Gnasher |
Gobbled | Gobbler | Goblet | Godzilla |
Goldie | Goliath | Gonzales | Goober |
Goofy | Grace | Gracie | Grapes |
Gremlin | Greyson | Griffin | Grizzly |
Gromit | Guinea | Gidget | Guinevere |
Guinness | Gumbo |
Guinea Pig Names starting from letter “H”
There are some interesting names in letter H. something like Hobbs, honey, Henry, harry or hopper would be some great unusual names for your guinea pigs. Although there are more options to look into.

Haiku | Hairy | Hamish | Hammy |
Hannah | Harley | Harper | Harry |
Harvey | Hazel | Hearty | Heather |
Heidi | Helen | Henly | Henry |
Herb | Herbie | Herman | Hershey |
Hexi | Heckory | Hieme | Hippie |
Hobart | Hobbs | Holly | Homer |
Homey | Honey | Hoover | Hopper |
Horace | Hubert | Hank | Hugo |
Hunter | Hutch |
Guinea Pig Names starting from letter “I”
The Letter I have some great names if you have a female guinea pig. Names like Ivory, Isabella, Iris would be a great choice to go for. There are many more in options to choose from.

Iain | Ianto | Ice | Idris |
Iesha | Iggy | Igor | Illona |
Imani | Immy | Imogen | Ina |
Indie | Indigo | Inki | Ira |
Irene | Irina | Irma | Irvin |
Irwin | Iris | Isaac | Isha |
Ishmael | Isabella | Isla | Ismael |
Isobela | Itzel | Ipzy | Iva |
Ivan | Iverson | Iesha | Ivor |
Ivory | Ivy | Iwan | Izot |
Izzie |
Guinea Pig Names starting from letter “J”
Letter J have some great name for your male guinea pigs. Names like Jack, James, Jarvis, Joey, Jimmy are great choices for letter J. Although there are lots of other great names you can choose from.

Jack | Jackson | Jacky | Jaeger |
James | Jamie | Jammer | January |
Jarvis | Jasmine | Jasper | Jeffery |
Jelly bean | Jen | Jenny | Jericho |
Jerome | Jesus | Jet | Jewel |
Jewels | Jimmy | Jin | Jo |
Joe cool | Joey | Joffery | Jonesy |
Jonny sleek | Jorge | Josh | Joshua |
Joss | Jake | Jovan | Joya |
Joyce | Juggernaut | Jullie | July |
Jumper | June | Juniper | Juno |
Jurgen |
Guinea Pig Names starting from letter “K”
There are some interesting names for your guinea pigs in letter K. Something like Katie, Kia, Kira, Koby, Kathy could be some interesting choice of names.

Kabuki | Kaitlyn | Kale | Kanga |
Karissa | Kat | Kate | Kathy |
Katie | Kayla | Keanu | Keegan |
Keifer | Keiko | Keith | Kelby |
Kentavious | Kermie | Kerry | Ketchup |
Kevin | Kia | Kiefer | Kiki |
Kiku | Killigan | Kimmy | Kinga |
Kipper | Kira | Kirby | Kite |
Kiwi | Koal | Kobi | Koby |
Kokomo | Kozmo | Kruger |
Guinea Pig Names starting from letter “L”
We also have a long list of names in letter L for your guinea pigs. There are surely some great names to sort from for your guinea pig.

Lacey | Lacy | Larissa | Larry |
Lasca | Laser | Lastat | Laszlo |
Latte | Laurence | Lavender | Lavern |
Lavinia | Layla | Leena | Lemmy |
Lemon | Lenny | Leo | Leonardo |
Lexus | Liam | Libby | Liberty |
Licorice | Lilli | Lily | Limpy |
Linny | Little Buddy | Little Miss piggy | Llama |
Lloyd | Lofa | Lola | Looey |
Loofa | Louie | Lovely | Lucky |
Luke | Lulu | Luna | Luner |
Luv |
Also Read:
- Do Guinea Pigs Remember Their Siblings, Names, Owners & More
- Do Guinea Pigs Know Their Name? (This Is What You Must Know)
Guinea Pig Names starting from letter “M”
We surely have a long list of Guinea pig names with letter M. There are some amazing and great names among these.

Maggie | Maize | Majesty | Mandy |
Mango | Marble | Marbles | March |
Margaret | Margie | Margo | Marigold |
Marilyn | Marmalade | Marmite | Marshmallow |
Martha | Marvin | Matrix | Maverick |
Max | Maxie | Maximillian | May |
McGoo | Meadow | Meatloaf | Meeko |
Meesha | Mellisa | Merlot | Midge |
Midget | Midnight | Midnight | Milk Dud |
Milkshake | Milly | Milo | Minerva |
Mini | Minky | Minsky | Minty |
Miss piggy | Missy | Mistletoe | Misty |
Mocha | Mohawk | Monique | Moonbeam |
Moonlight | Moppet | Moptop | Morris |
Moses | Moxie | Mozart | Mr. pig |
Muffet | Muffin | Muncher | Munchie |
Guinea Pig Names starting from letter “N”
Haven’t found any great one yet? Don’t worry we are still a long way to go. Here we have listed some great ones from the letter N.

Nacho | Nadia | Nala | Nancy |
Naomi | Napoleon | Natali | Natasha |
Nate | Nathan | Nayla | Ned |
Neddy | Neela | Nelli | Nellie |
Nelson | Nemo | Neopolatin | Neptune |
Nero | Nessa | Netty | Nevada |
Neville | Nibbler | Nibbles | Nickerson |
Nickle | Nicole | Nightingale | Nijinsky |
Nikia | Nikki | Nikko | Niko |
Nikola | Niles | Nilla | Nina |
Nita | Noah | Noel | Nokky |
Noodle | Nooshka | Nova | Nox |
Names for Guinea pigs starting from letter “O”
Although letter O has only a handful of names to choose from. There are surely some great names in Letter O also.

Oatmeal | Obelix | Oceana | Odetta |
Odie | Odin | Olaf | Olga |
Olive | Oliver | Olivia | Olivier |
Olli | Ollie-Bollie | Omar | Omelet |
Onion | Onyx | Opal | Opie |
Orange | Orbit | Oregano | Oreo |
Orlando | Orville | Oscar | Othello |
Otis | Otis-Lee | Owen | Ozwald |
Ozzy |

Names for Guinea pigs starting from letter “P”
Here is a list of few Guinea pig names starting with P. Just have a sneak peek into them and see if you can list out few for your guinea pigs.

Pabio | Pacino | Paco | Pancake |
Panda | Pandi | Parsley | Pashmina |
Patch | Patches | Peaches | Peanut |
Pearl | Pebbles | Penelope | Penny |
Pepper | Pepsi | Piggy | Piggy sue |
Piglet | Pigy | Pinkerton | Pinky |
Pip | Pip&squeak | Pippin | Pistachio |
Pixie | Pocohontas | Pollux | Polly pocket |
Pollyanna | Pongo | Pooh | Pooka |
Poopsie | Popcorn | Poppy | Pork Chop |
Porky | Primrose | Princess | Puddin Pig |
Pudding | Pummy | Pumpkin | Punky |
Names for Guinea pigs starting from letter “Q”
Although having a Guinea pig’s name with Q is a little odd but still, we have some options to choose from.

Qiana | Quacker | Quartz | Que |
Queen | Quentin | Quimby | Quincy |
Quinlan | Quinn | Quinta | Quintessa |
Quintina | Quistador | Quiver |
Names for Guinea pigs starting from letter “R”
Letter R has a handful of great names to choose from. Names like Rex, Raisin, Richie, Rosie are some great ones to start with. you can definitely sort out a few more names to add it to your hit list.

Rae | Rafael | Rags | Rainbow |
Raisin | Ralphie | Ramon | Ramonsey |
Raoul | Raspberry | Raben | Raymond |
Reba | Rebel | Red | Reece |
Reena | Reese | Regan | Regina |
Reiko | Remy | Renee | Renfield |
Rex | Rexy | Rhapsody | Rhinestone |
Rhoda | Ribbon | Richie | Richu |
Ricochet | Ringo | Robert | Rocker |
Rockie | Rocko | Rocky | Rodney |
Roger | Rolo | Roneo | Ronnie |
Rooster | Roselie | Rosie | Ruby |
Ruby Dee | Ruffles | Rumble | Rupert |
Names for Guinea pigs starting from letter “S”
Letter S has some of the common as well as unique names out there. Names like Sally, Salt, Sam, Sarah, Silkie, Skippy, Snow white, Snowflakes, Steward and Sugar are some of my favorite ones. You will also surely find some great names on the list below.

Sally | Salt | Sam | Sammy |
Sampson | Sandy | Sansa | Sarah |
Satin | Savannah | Scamper | Scooter |
Scout | Screecher | Scrumpy | Scuttle |
Sebastian | Seely | Serendipity | Shadow |
Shaggy | Shamus | Sheldon | Shirley |
Silk | Silkie | Silverfox | Simon |
Sirius | Sissy | Skeeter | Skipper |
Skippy | Skittles | Slash | Sleepy |
Smokey | Smudge | Sneezy | Snickers |
Snookie | Snoopy | Snow | Snow White |
Snowball | Snowbell | Snowdrop | Snowflake |
Snowy | Snuffleupagus | Snuggles | Sonic |
Sonja | Sooty | Spade | Spanky |
Sparkle | Speckles | Spice | Spike |
Spikey | Spotster | Sprockrt | Squeak |
Squeeky | Squiggly | Squiggy | Squirt |
Squishy | Star | Starfire | Stella |
Stewart | Stimpy | Strawberry | Sugar |
Sulley | Summer | Sunny | Sunshine |
Sweetpae | Sweetie | Sweetie Belle | Sweetiepie |
Names for Cavies starting from letter “T”
We also have got some great names for your Cavies with the letter T. Something like Teddy, Toffee, Tango, Timmy are my favorite ones. You can surely figure out a few names out of this list also.

Tac | Taco | Taffy | Taifun |
Takoda | Tamiko | Tangerine | Tango |
Tangtang | Tank | Tarzan | Tawny |
Taz | Tazzie | Ted | Teddy |
Teejay | Telfes | Temperence | The Hulk |
Thelma | Theo | Thomas | Thumper |
Thyme | Tiara | Tic | Tictac |
Tidybowl | Tigger | Tilly | Timmy |
Tinkerbell | Tinny | Tj | Toby |
Toffee | Tommy | Tonino | Toodilpip |
Tootsie | Trigger | Trixie | Truffles |
Tui | Tutter | Tutu | Tweety |
Twilight | Twinkie | Twitch | Twix |
Cavies Names starting from letter “U”
Although having a guinea pig names beginning from letter U is rare. Still, some people like to have some unusual names for their guinea pigs and we surely have some options for them as well.

Ugo | Ulrica | Ulrich | Ulrika |
Ulysses | Uma | Uman | Umar |
Una | Unice | Unita | Uriah |
Uriel | Ursula | Usama | Uschi |
Ushanka | Uv |
Cavies Names starting from letter “V”
Tired of sorting down the names? Just a little more to go. We also have some names starting from letter V. Just have a look and see if something is there for your guinea pigs as well.

Val | Vale | Valentin | Valentina |
Valentine | Valentino | Valeria | Valerie |
Valery | Van | Vance | Vanessa |
Vasco | Vaughn | Veda | Vegemite |
Velma | Venetia | Venus | Vera |
Verena | Verity | Verna | Verne |
Vernon | Veronica | Vesper | Victor |
Victoria | Vidal | Vihan | Vik |
Vikram | Vimto | Vinn | Vinnie |
Viola | Violet | Violetta | Viper |
Cavies Names starting from letter “W”
Names like Waffle, Winnie, Willy are some of the great choices in W. Although you can get a ton of more options in the list below.

Waffles | Waldo | Wallace | Walter |
Watson | Wednesday | Wellington | Wheater |
Wheek | Whisk | Whisker | Whisky |
Whisper | Whistler | Whitey | Whizz |
Whizzer | Wilbur | Willow | Willy |
Windex | Winnie | Winston | Winter |
Wizard | Wolke | Wombat | Woodstock |
Cavies Names starting from letter “X”
Just like you, there are few rare and unique names in X as well. If you were looking for something common then these might not be a great match. But still few people like to pick something like this. So, here we go.

Xander | Xandra | Xandria | Xanna |
Xanthe | Xanthia | Xara | Xavi |
Xavia | Xavier | Xaviera | Xena |
Xenia | Xenon | Xero | Xerxes |
Xia | Ximena | Xochil | Xochitl |
Names starting from letter “Y”
We also have some options for you with letter Y. Although it might have some unique and unusual names than you might have thought.

Yabba | Yahir | Yakira | Yana |
Yanira | Yara | Yardley | Yasmin |
Yasmina | Yasmine | Yaehudi | Yelena |
Yellownose | Yessica | Yestin | Yhumie |
Yhuri | Yodo | Yogi | Yoko |
Yolanda | York | Yoselin | Yoshi |
Yoyo | Ysabel | Yuki | Yula |
Yule | Yulissa | Yummy | Yum-Yum |
Yuna | Yuri | Yusuf | Yvaine |
Cavies Names starting from letter “Z”
And your search for the names comes to an end with this last list of names. Letter Z has some good names to choose from. Just have a look into them and see if you can pick a couple of them.

Zachary | Zachy | Zada | Zadora |
Zak | Zana | Zane | Zanita |
Zanzibar | Zap | Zapper | Zara |
Zariah | Zayden | Zazu | Zed |
Zelda | Zepplin | Zeus | Zigfried |
Ziggy | Zina | Zipper | Zippy |
Zoe | Zoey | Zora | Zorba |
Zorro | Zuri | Zulu | Zumba |
So, were you able to sort out a handful of names by now? Great now just sit down reasoning why you liked it and narrow down the list further if you didn’t find the appropriate reason. You can also ask for suggestions among the listed names from your friends and family. So go ahead and get a perfect matching name for your guinea pig.
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