If you are feeling hungry and want to have a snack, then persimmon is a perfect choice. Along with its sweet taste, it also has many benefits for you as it can reduce blood pressure. But can you share this sweet delicacy with your guinea pigs? Can guinea pigs eat persimmons? Let’s find out!
Guinea pigs can eat a small slice of persimmon occasionally. It contains various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants like Lutein, fisetin that is beneficial for your guinea pigs. But persimmon is also rich in calcium and sugar, which can cause problems if fed in excess to your guinea pigs.
There are two types of persimmon Hachiya persimmon and Fuyu persimmon. Hachiya persimmon is not as it is tart in taste.
But Fuyu persimmons will give you refreshments, and it has a sweet taste, which you will undoubtedly enjoy having in your snack.
I know you are still wondering whether it is suitable for your guinea pigs and how you should serve the same. So, I would suggest you read till the end to learn all about it.
Are guinea pigs allergic to persimmon?
No, guinea pigs are not allergic to persimmon fruit. Persimmon fruit will be a great addition to your guinea pig’s diet list.
If you are thinking of feeding your guinea pigs with persimmon, then go ahead. Since guinea pigs have a sensitive stomach, you should be sure before serving them any food.
In the case of persimmon, you can certainly follow a few stages before serving them.
The following are the stages that you have to follow:
- To begin with, serve them a tiny portion like a slice of persimmon.
- After that, hold them under observation for 24 hours to check any signs of allergies or diarrhea.
- If they show any uneasiness, then remove it.
- If they are enjoying persimmon, then increase the serving by a small amount. For example, add one small slice occasionally.
Do guinea pigs like persimmon?
Yes, guinea pigs will love to eat a persimmon.
There may be some rare cases that guinea pigs oppose to eat a persimmon.
However, This fruit is refreshing and tasty and loaded with nutrients like Vitamin C, phosphorus, antioxidants, and many other nutrients to improve your guinea pig’s immunity power.
Although the overfeeding of persimmon is not good as it can cause many health problems.
Are guinea pigs allowed persimmon?
Yes, guinea pigs are allowed to have persimmon. Persimmon has lots of vitamins and other nutrients, but sometimes they are hazardous for your guinea pigs.
Eating healthy fruit is good, but overeating of anything is not good.
Because of overeating, many health problems can occur. In this article, we will discuss all the health problems guinea pigs can face because of eating persimmon.
- High calcium content: Persimmons are high in calcium. Taking care of the proper measurement of calcium that should be fed to guinea pigs is essential as it will help their bones to improve their quality. When you overfeed your guinea pigs with calcium, they can confront some unfavorable impacts on their health. Overfeeding of calcium can prompt kidney stones and some urinary issues.
- Digestive distress: Guinea pigs have a delicate stomach. They can follow an appropriate eating routine, which is suitable for them. If they feed persimmon excessively, that can lead to stomach-related issues like loose bowels, bloating, and so on.
- Rich in sugar: Persimmons are rich in sugar. Sugar gives them a decent taste that guinea pigs like to enjoy. However, indulging excessive sugar is not beneficial for them, because overfeeding of sugar can lead to diabetes, diarrhea, and other stomach related issues.
- Inappropriate bowel completion: Persimmons are enriched with dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is an essential nutrient for guinea pigs. But when your guinea pigs eat dietary fiber beyond the requirement, then that can lead to constipation.
Now, after discussing the hazards of persimmon. Let’s focus on the benefits of persimmon fruits.
Persimmon health benefits to guinea pigs?
Persimmon fruits are full of nourishment. You can positively take care of your guinea pigs by feeding them with persimmon as they serve numerous advantages to your guinea pigs.
- High in vitamin C: Persimmon serves guinea pigs with Vitamin C. This is a lot required by guinea pigs since they can not produce it. Vitamin C helps guinea pigs from multiple points of view, for example:
- Helps guinea pigs to fight against skin problems.
- Prevents guinea pigs from scurvy.
- Increases guinea pigs healing power to recover for any wound quickly.
- Presence of calcium: Calcium content in persimmon is high. Calcium encourages your guinea pig’s body to make their bones stronger. But some limitations need to be followed for feeding of calcium because overfeeding of calcium can lead to kidney stones.
- Antioxidants: Persimmon contains numerous antioxidants that cause your guinea pigs to remain sound. A portion of antioxidants present in persimmon is Lutein, zeaxanthin, and fisetin.
- Lutein and zeaxanthin are part of beta-carotene that helps guinea pigs to keep up with their vision quality appropriately.
- Fisetin is another cancer prevention agent present in persimmon that helps to improve brain health. Improving brain health helps your guinea pigs to maintain long haul memory and keep anthem away from neurological issues.
- Decrease blood pressure: Potassium is profoundly accessible from persimmon. It offers help to the guinea pig’s body for reducing blood pressure.
- Phosphorus content: Phosphorus helps to keep your guinea pig’s teeth healthy and helps to flush out all the toxins of the body.
- Magnesium: Magnesium has lots of health benefits. These includes:
- Provide anti-inflammatory properties.
- Reduces migraines.
- Reduces blood pressure.
- Improve bone strength.
- Reduce inflammation.
- Protects from cancer: Persimmon shows good results against protecting guinea pigs from the disease. There is an antioxidant present in persimmon known as lycopene that protects your guinea pigs from cancer.
- Improves digestion: Dietary fiber is digestion-friendly, which means that dietary fiber presents in persimmon helps your guinea pigs to digest appropriately.
How much persimmon can guinea pigs eat at a time?
You can feed your guinea pigs persimmon fruits with a modest quantity. A small slice shall be more than enough for them.
Persimmon contains a high amount of sugar, calcium, and sodium in them that are terrible for guinea pigs.
Feeding limited quantities of persimmon to your guinea pigs will not harm them at all. However, overfeeding can be fatal.
How often can guinea pigs persimmon?
Guinea pigs can eat persimmon occasionally as a treat. To be more precise, guinea pigs should be fed persimmon once in a month or so.
Persimmons contain high amounts of calcium, which is awful for our guinea pigs. If overfed, it can cause kidney and bladder stones.
Furthermore, persimmons are high in sugar, which can cause diabetes and diarrhea.
So it is recommended to serve them persimmons with some restraints.
Can baby guinea pigs eat persimmon fruit?
Persimmon fruits are not recommended to baby guinea pigs because of their weak and sensitive stomach.
It will not be suitable for baby guinea pigs to eat persimmon fruits because this fruit is high in sugar, which baby guinea pigs can not digest and can face digestive problems.
Baby guinea pigs need to have a properly balanced diet, so we need to be extremely alert while feeding something to them.
Can guinea pigs eat persimmons skin?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat persimmons skin. Persimmon fruit is entirely edible and thus it can be served to your guinea pigs with their skin.
Some guinea pigs are possibly picky with their food, and thus they may not enjoy the skin, while others may.
Persimmon skin may contain chemicals, germs, and dirt in them. So before feeding your guinea pigs persimmon always remember to wash them with fresh water, so all the germs, chemicals, and dirt disappears.
Can guinea pigs eat persimmon leaves?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat persimmon leaves.
Guinea pig’s stomach is mainly made for processing hay and vegetables.
Much the same as persimmon, you can likewise feed your guinea pigs with persimmon leaves. Persimmon leaves contain a decent amount of vitamin C in them, which is essential for guinea pigs.
Can guinea pigs eat persimmon seeds?
No, guinea pigs should not be fed with persimmon seeds.
Persimmon seeds are hard. Guinea pigs will face issues while biting it, and also it can cause choking problems.
Always make sure you remove the seed before serving it to your guinea pigs.
Can guinea pigs eat persimmon stem?
No, guinea pigs can not eat persimmon stem.
Persimmon stems do not carry any benefit for guinea pigs, so stems should be removed before feeding your guinea pigs persimmon.
If you are looking forward to providing your guinea pigs with tree branches, you must read our in-depth guide.
Can guinea pigs eat canned persimmon/pulp?
No, guinea pigs can not eat canned persimmon as it is not appropriate for their stomach. Canned persimmon have preservatives in them that guinea pigs can not digest, and it will make them sick.
Other than this, canned persimmon contains salt in them. High salt will increase the sodium level in your guinea pig’s body as we have realized that extreme sodium can increase blood pressure and causes diarrhea.
So, it will be preferable to keep your guinea pigs away from sodium for their wellbeing.
Can guinea pigs eat persimmon sauce?
Persimmon sauce is exceptionally delicious. Guinea pigs will appreciate eating it, but unfortunately, guinea pigs can not eat persimmon sauce.
To make persimmon sauce, a specific cooking process should be followed. In any case, guinea pigs can not eat processed food. Processed persimmon loses a large number of its nutrients during the cooking procedure.
Hence, guinea pigs should not be fed with persimmon sauce.
Can guinea pigs eat frozen persimmon?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat frozen food; however, that should be defrosted and brought to room temperature before feeding.
Frozen is difficult for guinea pigs to chew and can cause choking issues.
Frozen food also causes medical problems to your guinea pigs like diarrhea, bloating, and so on.
Can guinea pigs eat dried persimmon?

No, feeding your guinea pigs with dried permission is not appreciable. You are suggested to keep your guinea pigs away from dried permissions as it is high in sugar.
Excessive sugar can be harmful to your guinea pigs. As it can decrease your guinea pig’s digestion efficiency and lead to diabetes and diarrhea.
Can guinea pigs drink persimmon juice?
Yes, guinea pigs can drink persimmon juice provided but it should be served in a minimal amount.
Although persimmon juice contains a high amount of sugar, it is terrible for guinea pigs if they drink a lot of it. So, try to avoid it altogether if possible.
How to prepare persimmon for guinea pigs?
Similar to humans, guinea pigs also want to eat something tasty once in a while.
Persimmon is a great choice to serve your guinea pigs as an occasional treat, but because of their fragile digestive system, they can then face health problems.
But don’t need to panic. If you follow some steps, then you safely feed your guinea pigs persimmon.
Here is what you need to do for serving persimmon:
- At first, you need to choose the right and fresh persimmon for your guinea pigs.
- Then wash it properly with clean water to remove all the germs and dirt.
- Now remove the stems.
- You can rip off the peel or leave it with the fruit.
- Always cut the fruit in small pieces and offer a small slice only.
- Now you are good to serve them persimmon in a bowl, or you can hand feed them.
- Always keep in mind that after serving you need to clean all uneaten food because that can attract rats and flies towards your guinea pig.
Conclusion: Guinea Pigs and Persimmon?
Guinea pigs can eat persimmon as it is loaded with a lot of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, minerals, and antioxidants that provide your guinea pigs with many benefits.
Persimmon has numerous benefits for guinea pigs as it helps to fight against cancer, reduces blood pressure and diabetes, and make their bones stronger.
Guinea pigs should be fed persimmon once in a month with a small amount because they are high in calcium and sugar as we know that overfeeding of sugar and calcium can be bad for a guinea pig’s health system.
Guinea pigs can be served with fresh persimmon. They cannot be served with persimmon sauce, canned persimmon, and frozen persimmon because they can upset your guinea pig’s stomach.
It is an excellent treat for guinea pigs if they get fed in moderation.
Source: Nutrition in persimmon, Benefits of persimmon, Diet Composition of Guinea Pigs, Dietary Vitamin C, and Vitamin E needs of Guinea Pig, Vitamin C need of our guinea-pig
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