Corns, also known as Maize or Indian corn is a cereal plant of the grass family called Poaceae and is an edible grain. It was first grown by people in ancient Central America and now is the 3rd most important grain in the world. But can our guinea pigs eat corn? Let’s find out!
Guinea pigs can eat corn but only in moderation. Guinea pigs can eat all parts of the corn plant, including the husk, leaf, and silk. Corn is rich in natural sugar, which can lead to diarrhea and obesity, thus feeding in small quantities is recommended.
If you give your guinea pig corn, you might be surprised when they prefer to eat corn silk and husk.
Corn is rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which makes it an excellent snack for our guinea pigs. The pale yellow corn/maize is most common around the world, but it comes in many other colors such as red, orange, blue, purple, white, and even black.
Most of the carbohydrates in corn come from starch, which can improve blood sugar levels in the body. It’s also high in fiber that can help balance the blood sugar levels in the body.
Now that you know that guinea pigs can eat corn, you might be wondering if it can harm our guinea pigs. Also, how much corn can you feed to your guinea pigs? Don’t worry, and we have got you all covered. So, let’s get right into it.
Nutrition in corn
Nutrients | Amount |
Vitamin C | 6.8 mg/ 100 g |
Vitamin A | 9 µg/ 100 g |
Carotene | 47 µg/ 100 g |
Lutein + Zeaxanthin | 644 µg/ 100 g |
Calcium | 2 mg/ 100 g |
Phosphorous | 89 mg/ 100 g |
Potassium | 270 mg/ 100 g |
Fiber | 2 g/ 100 g |
Sugar | 6.26 g/ 100 g |
Magnesium | 37 mg/ 100 g |
Carbs | 18.7 g/ 100 g |
Calories | 86 Kcal |
Fat | 1.35 g/ 100 g |
Water | 76.05 g/ 100 g |
Corn is a rich source of carbohydrates and packed with fiber and minerals. It’s also relatively low in protein and fat.
However, some of the essential nutrients are as follows:
- Rich in Antioxidants– Antioxidants are important to the immune system to help bring down the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases. Corn is a moderate source of antioxidants. The antioxidants found in corn include vitamin c, vitamin E, and carotenoids.
- Protein– Corn is a source of protein. Protein makes up the enzymes that have the potential to initiate many chemical reactions and power the hemoglobin that carries oxygen in our blood.
- Fiber– Corn contains a fair amount of fiber. It keeps our digestive system clean and healthy and keeps the harmful carcinogens out of the body.
- Magnesium– Corn contains a large amount of magnesium. It helps to maintain the blood sugar in our bodies and also keeps the blood pressure as well as regulating muscle and nerve function.
- Phosphorous– Compared to most vegetables, corn is slightly higher in phosphorus. It also acts together with calcium to maintain healthy bones and teeth.
Are guinea pigs allowed corn?

Yes, corn is safe for our guinea pigs if fed in moderation. It contains a sufficient amount of minerals and antioxidants needed by our guinea pigs.
However, corn is high in calories, and carbohydrates can lead to various health issues in our guinea pigs.
Guinea pigs cannot digest cooked food; hence, you should never try to feed roasted corn to your guinea pigs. Only raw corn is suitable for our guinea pig that is directly from the cob and not from a can.
Here are some common health concerns to look out for when you are feeding corn to your guinea pigs:
- Obesity– Corn naturally is high in calories, and carbohydrate content and Obesity is a common problem in guinea pigs that can happen by feeding them too many calories.
- Diabetes– It is a significant health issue among guinea pigs. If fed with a diet rich in carbohydrates and sugar regularly, guinea pigs are prone to suffer from diabetes and other related health issues.
- Digestion problems – Corn contains sugar, not too much, but it can still affect the digestion. Guinea pigs have fragile stomachs, so they cannot digest sugar very well. They might get cramps and may suffer from indigestion.
- Urinary problems – Corn contains calcium and phosphorus. These two minerals can cause major urinary problems in our guinea pigs if they are served in excess. It can lead to bladder stones and sludge in some scenarios.
Is corn good for our guinea pigs?
Due to its impressive nutrient profile, guinea pigs can benefit from eating corn. However, guinea pigs are less interested in the corn and are more interested in eating the husk and silk.
Here are some benefits of feeding corn to our guinea pigs:
- Boosts immune system– Antioxidants are essential to the immune system to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases. Corn is a good source of antioxidants. The antioxidants found in corn include Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Carotenoids. With antioxidants, the organism is less prone to diseases, making the immune system more energetic and healthier.
- Healthy blood– The two most essential minerals for the blood are found in corn. Iron and copper always make sure the organism has a healthy immune system, as they make the blood healthy and robust.
- Prevents Diseases– The various antioxidants present in corn helps in preventing many diseases. Oxidative stress is one of the leading causes of chronic diseases. Antioxidants help to decrease the effects of oxidative stress, and with that, they prevent many diseases.
- Provides energy– Corn contains complex carbohydrates that get digested and to provide power for a longer duration of time. It also provides physical strength and ensures the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system.
How often can guinea pigs eat corn?
It is not recommended to serve corn as regular food for our guinea pigs.
Add a small amount of corn in their diet occasionally but not regularly.
The ideal way to feed the raw kernels on our guinea pig would be not to exceed 1 to 2 times a week.
However, Guinea pigs enjoy eating husk, and it can be given to them regularly with no problem.
How much corn can guinea pigs eat?
Corns are more like a treat for our guinea pigs. You should not serve more than a few kernels at a time.
They are allowed only raw and uncooked corn.
The preferred way to serve corn is on the cob(small slice) with the silk and the husk. Any new leaves are ideal too.
Besides, you should avoid feeding them the canned corn, because it has a high salt content that is unsuitable for guinea pigs.
The portion serving of corn should be controlled to avoid health issues, including obesity and unhealthy weight gain in guinea pigs.
Now let’s summarize what other parts of corn, a guinea pig can or cannot eat.
Can guinea pigs eat corn on the cob?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat corn on the cob but only in moderation.
A corncob, also known as a cob of corn, is the central core of an ear of corn. It is on which the kernels grow.
Corn on the cob can be a yummy treat for guinea pigs, but it has high starch content. Always feed corn on the cob fresh and uncooked.
There is not much nutritional content in the cob.
In most cases, your guinea pigs will enjoy eating the corn and not the cob.
Can guinea pigs eat corn husks?
The husk is the outer shell or coating of the seed. It is also referred to as the leafy outer covering of the corn.
Guinea pigs enjoy eating husk, and it can be given to them regularly with no problem.
Your guinea pig may prefer the husks of the corn to the actual corn kernels.
The best way to serve it is to Wash the husk thoroughly to remove any chemical residue that may be harmful to our guinea pigs.
If you cannot wash, only give them the inside leaves which are not sprayed with chemicals.
Can guinea pigs eat cooked corn?

No, guinea pigs cannot eat cooked corn. Cooked corn is not healthy for our guinea pigs and should never be used as food or treats.
Cooking a food needs the addition of more ingredients like salt, oil, etc and these ingredients are bad for our guinea pigs. It is better to serve them raw corn.
Can guinea pigs eat canned corn?

No, guinea pigs cannot eat canned corn at all.
Canning process requires addition of preservatives and chemicals that are bad for our guinea pigs health.
Although serving a small treat won’t make them ill but it is best to avoid it altogether.
Can guinea pigs eat corn flakes?
You can feed cornflakes to your guinea pigs, but only in small quantities. You cannot feed corn flakes as a regular diet because they have a high level of carbohydrates in them.
Corn flakes, or cornflakes, are a Cereal made by toasting flakes of corn.
The low protein content in corn flakes will not keep your guinea pig full for a more extended period. They might be low in fat, but the sugar content increases their weight.
If you feed them a diet rich in calories and sugar regularly, they will be prone to suffer from diabetes and other related health issues.
Can guinea pigs eat baby corn?

Guinea pigs can eat baby corn in small amounts a couple of times a week.
Baby corn is a cereal grain extended from corn harvested early, while the stalks are still raw and immature.
It is typically eaten whole, including the cob, in contrast to mature corn, whose cob is too hard for consumption.
Baby corn is okay if it’s fresh and fed as a treat alongside a regular balanced diet.
Can guinea pigs eat cracked corn?
Cracked corn is corn kernels that have been dried and cracked into small pieces.
It is not a good idea to feed your guinea pig cracked corn because cracked corn is tough; guinea pigs can break their teeth and can cause other dental problems.
It can also cause some digestion problems as Guinea pigs have weak stomachs, and cracked corn is too hard to digest.
Can guinea pigs eat popcorn?

Guinea pigs should not eat popcorn as they provide little to no benefit, with substantial dangers.
Popcorn is a variety of corn kernel which enlarges and puffs up when heated.
It is not healthy to give popcorn to our guinea pigs. They cannot digest cooked foods well, so they might get cramps and may suffer from indigestion.
Also, popcorn is a processed food as it is made with other ingredients, and is cooked in some way.
Can guinea pigs eat cornmeal?
No, guinea pigs cannot eat cornmeal at all.
Cornmeal is a meal ground from dried corn.
Cornmeal might be a filling and tasty food, but this is cooked cornflour with added salt and oil. They can not digest cooked foods well, and as a result, they might get cramps and may suffer from indigestion.
It can also make the guinea pig bloated, and it may cause diarrhea.
How to feed guinea pigs corn?
- Guinea pigs can eat all parts of the corn plant, including the husk, leaf, and silk.
- If you want to feed them corn, initially try with the husk. Guinea pigs enjoy eating husk, and it can be given to them regularly with no problem. However, make sure to provide them with the inside leaves which haven’t been exposed to pesticides.
- Guinea pigs love to chew on it, and it can be given daily, unlike the actual corn kernels.
- If you give your guinea pig corn, you might be surprised when they prefer to eat corn silk and husk.
- Even if they do want to eat the corn, allow them to do so once or twice a week as the starch in it is too much for daily consumption.
Conclusion: Guinea pigs and corn
- Corn is a rich source of carbohydrates and packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It’s also relatively low in protein and fat.
- Can guinea pigs eat corn? Yes, guinea pigs can eat corn. Guinea pigs can eat all parts of the corn plant, including the husk, leaf, and silk.
- You can give them husk daily, but not the corn as starch in it is too much to consume regularly.
- Don’t feed them popcorn, cracked corn and cornmeal, they might get cramps and may suffer from indigestion.
- Besides, you should avoid feeding them the canned corn, because it has a high salt content that is unsuitable for guinea pigs.
Sources: Everything you need to know about corn, Nutrition in corn, Diet Composition and Mineral Balance in Guinea Pigs, Dietary Vitamin C, and Vitamin E on Guinea Pig Immune Responses to Mitogens, Vitamin C requirements of the guinea-pig, Is Your Guinea Pig’s Diet Providing the Right Nutrients? Care of Guinea Pigs.
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