Being a member of the rodent family which consists of some excellent climbers like Squirrels, Mouse, Rats, etc. you must be considering guinea pigs as a good climber as well. But are guinea pigs good at climbing? Can your furry little friend climb ramps or even cages? I did some research, and here is what I found out!
Can guinea pigs climb? Yes, Guinea pigs can climb small steps, ramps, and tubes but unlike other rodents like squirrel and mice, their anatomy doesn’t allow them to climb trees, walls or other things of similar nature.
Guinea pigs have a long, broad body with short limbs. The hind legs support most of their weight and provide smooth mobility to them.
As compared to other rodents, guinea pigs front legs are not strong enough to grip on all types of surfaces which makes climbing a little challenging for them.
Are guinea pigs good climbers?
Yes, guinea pigs are good climbers but not definitely the best one out there. They can climb short steps, stairs, tunnels, and even ramps, although they need a mild slope to climb up and down.

Guinea pigs can climb higher surfaces so they can watch the surrounding environment. This is quite a natural behavior as you can expect from any animal in the wild. Although it might depend upon guinea pigs personality. While some are curious and love to explore others prefer to live and roam around in flat surface only.
They can climb short inclines to reach the higher surface. They even love to jump above their cage-mates from higher surfaces, just for fun.
How high can guinea pigs climb?
Guinea pigs can climb up on small steps and ladders pretty quickly. They can reach pretty high spaces using the same, although they cannot jump or climb on cages or bars, which is more than 18 inches tall.

The maximum height a guinea pig can reach by jumping or stepping up is 12 inches. Although we have heard of some piggies going way beyond that but it is a pretty rare case.
Can guinea pigs climb out of their cages?
If you have a pretty standard guinea pig cage or even a C&C cage, then the chances of your guinea pig climbing out of the enclosure are pretty low.
Guinea pigs can climb a maximum of a foot or so, and most cages walls are higher than that mark. So, even if your guinea pig tries to escape the cage, (which will rarely be the case if we care for them well), there will be no possibility to do so.
Although if you have steps or cage arrangement(toys, hidings) in such a way that they can climb and reach a higher point, then they may have a small chance of escape. But there is a low possibility of the same as their anatomy doesn’t allow them for such adventure.
Can guinea pigs live in multi-level cages?
Yes, guinea pigs can live on multi-level cages, but the level should not be too high that they may fall and hurt themselves. Some guinea pigs are more agile than others. Thus they can climb on different levels pretty quickly while others may have a tough time doing so.
In general, it is recommended to have a flat, large cage for your guinea pigs. However, if you are creative, you can design some multi-level C&C enclosure by yourself.
Just make sure that the chances of your guinea pigs falling and hurting themselves are pretty low.
Learn more about guinea pig habitat (Source): The human society
Can guinea pigs climb ramps?
Yes, guinea pigs can climb on-ramps, but not all guinea pigs are excited about the same. In fact, some guinea pigs will totally avoid using one.
As we had discussed earlier, some guinea pigs are more agile than others, and so some will be curious and will explore the cage while others prefer staying at a flat surface.
The setup of the ramp is also a deciding factor whether your guinea pig will use the same or not. If the slope is too steep or not wide enough, then guinea pigs might be scared in using the same.
Guinea pigs cannot grip on steep surfaces, so having a steep ramp will prohibit them from using the same.
How wide should a guinea pig ramp be?
Most experts recommend the size of the ramp should be a minimum of 14 inches while the width should be at least 6 inches although you can make it wider if you have large enough space to do so.
Having a wider ramps makes it pretty easy for guinea pigs to climb up and down without the fear of falling.
How steep can a guinea pig ramp be?
The steepness of a guinea pig ramp can be anywhere between 20-40 degrees. Anything steeper than that can lead to your guinea pig not using the same.
Try to keep the angle of the ramp as low as possible. This will ensure your guinea pig is not hesitant in using the same.
Long and small angled ramps are preferred over short and steep inclines, so, if you have the space for the same then go for a longer ramp with least slope.
How to make guinea pig ramp safe for them?
Making a safe ramp for your guinea pig is crucial. Here are some essential tips you can use to create a safe ramp for your guinea pigs:
- Use natural material which is not harmful to guinea pigs
- Cover or shape any sharp edges to make it a smooth one
- Keep the slope less inclined
- Cover ramp with a material which has enough grip that the guinea pigs don’t slip.
- Make sure the ramp is wide enough for your guinea pigs.
- The ramp should be sturdy and should not move around when your guinea pigs use them.
- Having side skirting in the ramp is useful as guinea pigs feel secure that they won’t fall from side edges of the ramp.
How do you train a guinea pig to use a ramp?
Some guinea pigs are quite active and agile so they can learn to use the ramps quickly, but some might fear and prevent using it for quite some time. If you own a piggy which has not been using a slope, then you can try a few tips to help them out.
- The first step will be to place the right size ramp with a lower slope and a good grippy surface which will make the guinea pig used to it.
- The second step is to encourage your guinea pig to use the ramp. You can do so by placing some treats up on the loft and waiting for a while to see if they go for it.
- Some guinea pigs take more time than others to get used to it, So do not hurry or force your guinea pig in any way to use the ramp. Make sure you take it slow.
- If your guinea pig doesn’t go up for the treat, you can next put some of the fresh hay up on top and spread their favorite veggies along the ramp. This might help them feel comfortable and take a step forward to use the ramp.
- You can also try a different method if all of the above doesn’t work out. Put your guinea pig on the top layer and spread some treat in the lower end of the ramp and lower portion of the cage so that they use the ramp to get down. Repeat the same for a few days, and you will be amazed how quickly your guinea pig learns to use the ramp from next time.
- I would recommend to not put their food and water in another level of the cage until and unless your guinea pig is used to ramp. Doing so might lead to starvation and have an ill-effect on their health.
Are guinea pigs scared of heights?
Yes, some guinea pigs are scared of height while other’s are not. Most guinea pigs prefer a flat, open space and will avoid getting too high as they don’t feel secure. However, some guinea pigs are curious and will enjoy climbing some top surfaces.
Can guinea pigs go up and down ramps?
Yes, guinea pigs can go up, and downs on-ramps provided the ramp is made up of sturdy material, is fixed properly, and should have a low inclination and excellent grip. If your slope is made and placed according to these needs, then your guinea pig should have no trouble using the same.
Are ramps bad for guinea pigs?
No, ramps are not bad for them. In fact, once your guinea pigs get used to the ramp, they will enjoy using it more often than you might think of.
Can Guinea Pigs Climb Stairs?
Yes, guinea pigs can climb stairs provided the steps are low enough, and the surface has some grip on it. Carpet covered stairs are an excellent example of the same.
Can guinea pigs climb up tubes?
Yes, guinea pigs can climb on tubes provided it is placed at an angle of 20-40 degrees. Anything larger than that can be a trouble for your guinea pigs.