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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Green Beans? (Serving Size, Risks & More)

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Green Beans? (Serving Size, Risks & More)

Green bean, also known as string beans, is a staple food across many kitchens in the US and UK. It has tons of health benefits, and we enjoy having it. But can our guinea pigs eat green beans?

Guinea pigs can eat green beans. Green beans are rich in Vitamin C, fiber, and other essential nutrients, which is vital for our guinea pigs. However, we should serve it moderately as it is high in Oxalic acid and Calcium, which can lead to several health diseases in guinea pigs.

So now that we know that we can give green beans to our guinea pigs let us have a look at what are its nutritional value and how good is it for our guinea pigs, followed by its side effects.

Please note: Just because guinea pigs can eat green beans doesn’t mean that all guinea pigs will love them. Yes, some do love them while others don’t. It is completely natural because guinea pigs are picky when it comes to food. So make sure you give it a try, if your guinea pigs like it then you are good to go else you can try serving other vegetables and fruits to your guinea pigs.

Nutrition in green beans?

Source: USDA National Nutrient database

Vitamin C
12.2 mg/ 100 g
Vitamin K211 mg/ 100 g
Vitamin A35 ug/ 100 g
Calcium37 mg/ 100 g
Phosphorous38 mg/ 100 g
Potassium211 mg/ 100 g
Fiber2.7 g/ 100 g
Sugar3.26 g/ 100 g
Protein1.83 g/ 100 g
Carbs6.97 g/ 100 g
Calories31 Kcal
Fat0.22 g/ 100 g
Water90.32 g/ 100 g

Green beans are a rich source of Vitamin C, which is essential for the smooth functioning of the body. Vitamin C fortifies the immune system of the body and also helps prevent diseases. Vitamin C is also critical as it helps in preventing diseases like scurvy.

Green beans are also rich in Vitamin K, and vitamin A. While Vitamin A is essential for improving eyesight and aid in reproduction. It also helps the heart, kidney, lungs, and other organs work properly.

Green beans are also rich in fiber, which is essential for guinea pigs. Fiber helps to aid in digestion and also helps regulate sugar levels in the bloodstream.

Green beans are also rich in potassium, phosphorous, and magnesium. These minerals are essential for lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart diseases, and preventing strokes.

Green beans are also rich in calcium and iron. These minerals help in the development of strong bones and teeth. Iron is also essential for the production of hemoglobin in a red blood cell that carries oxygen throughout the body. Calcium and iron are critical during the pregnancy and nursing period for the healthy development of young ones.

Are green beans good for guinea pigs?

Green beans are full of nutritional value, but what does that mean for our guinea pigs? What are the benefits of feeding green beans to our guinea pigs? Let’s find out!

Helps to prevent scurvy:
Scurvy is one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases among guinea pigs. Green beans are rich in vitamin c, which is essential for the prevention of scurvy in guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs cannot synthesize their own Vitamin C; thus they need a supplement for the same in the form of fresh veggies and fruits in their diet.

Improves eyesight:
Green beans are rich in Vitamin A and other minerals, which helps in the improvement of eyesight.

Guinea pigs don’t have excellent eyesight, and on top of that, the eyesight keeps degenerating over time. Thus, serving them with a food rich in Vitamin A and other minerals aids in improving the same.

Improves heart health:
Vitamins and minerals in green beans are also great for maintaining a healthy heart. Guinea pigs are susceptible to heart diseases, just like human beings, and having a nutritious diet is essential for improving the same.

Aids in digestion:
Green beans are an excellent source of fiber for our guinea pigs. Fiber is essential for maintaining the good digestive health of your guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs have a sensitive digestive system, and having a food rich in fiber helps in keeping the same in balance. Fiber also aids in the slow absorption of sugar in the bloodstream, which is an added advantage from the top.

Are green beans bad for cavies? Possible side-effects?

Green beans are beneficial for our guinea pigs, but it does possess some risk by the side as well. Let us learn what is the risk involved if you decide to serve green beans to your guinea pigs. We will also learn how we can benefit from green beans by keeping the risk at a minimum.

Bladder stone:
Green beans contain a high amount of calcium in it. It contains around 37mg per 100 grams of calcium in it. Although the body requires calcium to form healthy bones and teeth, it can bind with oxalic acid to form kidney and bladder stones in guinea pigs when fed in excess.

Thus, we need to monitor the number of green beans we feed to our guinea pigs.

Digestion problem:
Green beans are good for digestion as it contains a high amount of fiber in it. But when we feed it in excess quantity, it can off-balance our guinea pigs’ digestive system, thus leading to diarrhea in them. Green beans also contain sugar in it.

Although not insignificant quantity, it can affect our guinea pigs’ digestive system. Guinea pigs cannot digest sugar very well; thus, frequently feeding anything that contains sugar can lead to gastrointestinal issues in guinea pigs.

Serving green beans can also lead to bloating in guinea pigs. Green beans also contain Lectins, which is a type of protein that binds with carbs and can lead to constipation and bloating in guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs often get gassy if we feed green beans frequently. Thus, moderate feeding is critical when it comes to guinea pigs.

Inhibits Magnesium absorption:
Green beans contain calcium and phosphorous in adequate quantities. Although these minerals are needed for the healthy development of the body, it can be dangerous as well.

These minerals can inhibit the absorption of magnesium in guinea pigs, thus leading to magnesium deficiency in guinea pigs.

Although there are some side effects of feeding green beans to your guinea pigs that shouldn’t keep you away from feeding it.

Green beans are excellent sources of some essential vitamins in guinea pigs and can be beneficial if served in the right quantity.

But what is the right quantity that we should aim for? How much green beans can our guinea pigs have without any issues? Let’s find out!

How often can guinea pigs eat green beans?

Green beans are an excellent source of lots of nutrients; however, we cannot feed it daily. Experts and most guinea pig owners recommend feeding it a maximum of 2-3 times per week. Moderating the feeding will help in reaping the benefits while keeping the harm away.

Guinea Pigs Eat Green Beans

You should serve your guinea pigs a mix of 3-4 veggies daily. A cup of fresh vegetables is recommended daily for your guinea pigs.

It is a wise idea to mix some low calcium veggies with green beans to keep the total calcium consumption in check. Vegetables such as Bell peppers, Lettuce, etc. are great addition alongside green beans.

How much green beans can our guinea pigs have?

Picture Credits: Pip & Eva, Instagram Handle: evaandpip

You should only feed 1-2 string of green beans at a time to your guinea pigs. Feeding anything in excess can be harmful to the digestive system of your guinea pigs. Make sure you choose to serve only fresh green beans to your guinea pigs.

Also, remember that serving the size of green beans depends upon the age of your guinea pigs, as well. While young guinea pigs can eat a little more, elder guinea pigs are more prone to suffer from gas thus should be served in small quantities.

Can guinea pigs eat green beans seeds?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat green beans seed. However, you should ensure you serve them young, immature pods. Young beans seeds are safe for guinea pigs to eat.

However, once matured, it becomes unsafe for guinea pigs to eat. So, make sure you only serve them fresh, young beans.

Can guinea pigs have green bean leaves?

Yes, green beans leaves are entirely safe for our guinea pigs if we feed it in moderation.

Not all plants have edible leaves; however, green beans leaves are edible and can be added to the diet of our guinea pigs.

You can provide them with safe tree branches like apple, willow, birch, etc.

Do cavies eat raw green beans?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat raw green beans. In fact, raw green beans have the most nutrients, which are beneficial for our guinea pigs.

Can guinea pigs eat cooked green beans?

No, guinea pigs cannot eat cooked green beans at all. Cooked beans lose a lot of vitamins and minerals, which our guinea pig needs.

Also, cooked food can cause digestive issues in guinea pigs, so it is best to avoid it.

Can guinea pigs eat canned green beans?

No, guinea pigs cannot eat canned food. Canned food contains lots of preservatives, which can be bad for your guinea pig’s health.

Also, food loses lots of essential vitamins; thus, it is best to avoid canned food altogether.

Can cavies eat frozen green beans?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat frozen green beans but not directly out of your refrigerator.

We must first thaw the beans and bring it back to room temperature before serving it to your guinea pigs.

Cold foods can cause digestion issues in guinea pigs, and it is best to avoid the same.

How To Prepare Green Beans For Your Cavies?

Green Beans For Your Cavies
  • The first step is to choose the right bean for your guinea pig. Young, fresh green pods are the best choice for your guinea pig’s health.
  • The second step is to wash the beans properly. Cleaning it shall ensure any chemicals or harmful substance attached from it gets removed.
  • The third step is to cut the beans’ ends to remove any hard stem parts attached to the bean. You can serve the whole bean or chop into smaller pieces before serving it.
  • The final step is to mix the beans with 3-4 different types of vegetables. Doing so will ensure your guinea pigs get the most out of the veggies.
  • Always remember to remove any uneaten veggies within a few hours. Any uneaten food left there can be a ground for bacterias to bloom, which can be harmful to your guinea pigs.


Can you give green beans to guinea pigs? Yes, you definitely can provide green beans to your guinea pigs. However, make sure you choose a fresh & young bean for your guinea pigs.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Green Beans? (Serving Size, Risks & More)
Picture Credits: Pip & Eva, Instagram Handle: evaandpip

Matured beans are not the best choice for your guinea pigs. Also, remember that moderate feeding is the key to green beans, as feeding it too often can lead to digestive issues in guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs can eat green beans along with its seed and leaf, however, ensure you serve it raw only. Cooked green beans can lead to digestive issues in guinea pigs.

Source: British Cavy Council

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