Who doesn’t crave for those juicy, pulpy fruit covered in a bright orange color skin? Right from children to old grandparents oranges are dear to everyone. We often feel refreshed when we have oranges. Can we also share this with our furry little guinea pigs? Can guinea pigs eat oranges?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat oranges for sure. Oranges have a colossal amount of vitamin c in it which is an essential part of a guinea pig’s diet. On the flip side, oranges are citrus fruit and contain natural acids and high sugar which makes it a limiting factor for guinea pigs.
So, we need to keep the serving in control to make their diet balanced.
Guinea pigs often prefer one food over another. Not all guinea pigs are the same. While my guinea pig love to nibble on an orange your’s might not do the same.
We should first give them a small portion and see if they like it or not before including it in their diet.
Then I just hang it from the lid of the cage(you can hold it as well) so guinea pigs can munch on it. It’s really cool and my piggies love it. Even if your guinea pigs don’t eat veggies or fruits usually will start nibbling it if you do it this way.
If you see that your guinea pigs are occupied with it and are craving for more than gradually you can introduce it in their diet.
Some guinea pigs might not like it, and that is something natural. You can serve them with other fruits like Strawberries, Apples, Pears, etc.
Nutrition in orange?
Source:USDA National Nutrient data base
Vitamin C | 71 mg/ 100 g |
Vitamin A | 225 IU |
Calcium | 40 mg/ 100 g |
Phosphorous | 14 mg/ 100 g |
Potassium | 181 mg/ 100 g |
Fiber | 2.4 g/ 100 g |
Sugar | 9 g/ 100 g |
Protein | 0.94 g/ 100 g |
Carbs | 11.75 g/ 100 g |
Calories | 47 Kcal |
Fat | 0.12 g/ 100 g |
Water | 86.75 g/ 100 g |
Oranges are a great source of Vitamin C. An orange contains over 88% of vitamin C in total.
Vitamin C is a crucial part of the diet as it helps in keeping our immune system healthy. It is also essential for quicker healing of wounds.
Oranges also contain Vitamin A(4%) and vitamin B-6(6%) in trace amounts. These vitamins are often essential for the overall development of the body.
While vitamin A helps in keeping our body healthy and robust vitamin b-6 supports by regulating metabolism and maintaining healthy kidney and liver.
Oranges do contain a healthy amount of potassium and calcium in it.
These are essential minerals needed by the body for the proper development of bones and teeth. The young and pregnant mother needs more calcium in their diets.
Are oranges good for guinea pigs? Do guinea pigs like oranges?
Yes, Orange contains a massive punch of much-needed Vitamin C in it. It can be a great source of vitamin C booster for your guinea pig’s diet.
Vitamin C is an essential part of a guinea pig’s diet. Scurvy is a common disease seen among guinea pigs which happen due to lack of vitamin C in their bodies.
Just like humans; guinea pigs also cannot produce their own vitamins. So their diet needs to be supplemented with vitamin C to live a healthy and long life.
Oranges also contain a considerable amount of vitamin A and vitamin B-6 which also contributes towards achieving a balance in their diet.
Vitamin A and Vitamin B-6 aids in overall growth as well as contribute towards better metabolism in their body.
Oranges also contain high calcium and other minerals which is suitable for young and pregnant guinea pigs.
Often time a high calcium diet leads to the formation of bladder stones in guinea pigs so it must be consumed less by matured guinea pigs.
Are oranges bad for guinea pigs?
Oranges are fruit belonging to a citrus family which contains natural acids in it. Guinea pigs are a sensitive animal when it comes to their dietary needs.
Guinea pigs cannot consume much of the food which is acidic in nature.
Although a small bit is not a problem for them but it shouldn’t be a part of their regular diet.
Often guinea pigs suffer from intestine diseases, diarrhea and mouth sores due to acidic foods. Some guinea pigs are more tolerant towards it whereas some aren’t.
Another downside of feeding orange or any other fruit to guinea pigs is the sugar content in the fruit. Orange contains over 9% sugar in it.
Although it might not look like a massive figure to us, often guinea pigs are seen suffering from diseases like obesity, diabetes, etc. due to high sugar in their diet.
It also has a fair share of calcium in it. While serving oranges do make sure to balance out calcium from other parts of their diet. Too much calcium is inadequate for their health.
How often can Guinea pigs eat oranges?

The feeding of orange should be minimal. A Guinea pig can be fed with a wedge(slice) of orange once a week.
We should not increase the quantity more than this because the acidic nature of the fruit might upset their digestive system.
The sugar content in oranges could also be a negative factor for them. If we feed it more regularly, we might end up with guinea pigs suffering from obesity and other health diseases.
Oranges do contribute a significant chunk towards the vitamin C needed by the guinea pigs. But that doesn’t mean that we can serve them liberally.
We should only serve our guinea pigs with oranges in moderation so that we can create a well-balanced diet for them.
Can guinea pigs eat orange peels?

Yes, Guinea pigs can eat the orange peel. According to the research conducted by an organization, they have found that orange peels contain a higher amount of nutrients than the flesh itself.
The orange peels are said to have 136 mg of vitamin C where the flesh is supposed to have only 71 mg. Orange peels also have lots of antioxidants and flavonoids which is beneficial for guinea pig’s health.
But the peels are also acidic just like the flesh. Although the sugar content is quite low the amount of acid remains significant making it again a limited serving choice only.
You can learn more about the amazing benefits of orange peels in this article.
Are Orange seeds safe for guinea pigs?
No, The seeds of oranges are not safe for Guinea pigs. We must remove the seeds carefully before serving it to our guinea pigs.
Orange seeds are hard, and often it leads to choking in the guinea pigs. We must clear out even small bits of seeds from the oranges before we serve one to our guinea pigs.
Can guinea pig eat canned orange?
No, Guinea pigs cannot eat canned oranges at all. Canned oranges are often packed with added preservatives to improve their shelf life. It also contains a lot of added sugar which is bad for your guinea pigs.
Do not serve your guinea pigs with canned oranges; only fresh oranges are the right choice for them.
Can guinea pigs have orange juice?
No, guinea pigs cannot drink orange juice at all. Orange juices have a higher concentration of sugar in it which makes it an unfavorable choice for guinea pigs owners.
How to prepare orange for your guinea pig?

Preparing of orange for your guinea pig could be a challenge for a few people. So today I am going to lay down a clear path for the same.
- The first step is to choose the right orange for your Guinea pigs. The orange must be ripe and fresh. Do not select a green orange or stale orange as that can lead to a severe health issue in guinea pigs.
- The second step is to wash the orange properly. Oranges are often sprayed with some chemicals to prevent pests. Sometimes compounds are also coated for bringing shine to their outer skin. It is best to wash off the orange properly before serving it to our guinea pigs.
- The third step is to remove the peel and select a small slice of orange for your guinea pig. Make sure you remove the seed from the slice before serving it to your guinea pigs.
- Finally, you can serve your guinea pigs with little juice oranges. You can use any food bowl or even hand-feed them. Your guinea pig won’t stop popcorning looking at the treat. You can also toss some orange peel if you feel so but make sure you serve only a small bit.
- Note: Remove any uneaten fruit from the guinea pigs cage to prevent bacteria bloom in the food. It can lead to many bacterial diseases if eaten by them later.
Coming back to the original question we started with; can guinea pigs eat oranges? Yes for sure your guinea pigs will be much benefited with the vitamin C they get from the oranges.
But we must keep in mind that the significant portion in their diet is hay. Hay is something they will eat throughout their life in most parts.
Vegetables and fresh fruits often included as a supplement for Vitamins and minerals in their diet. Under no circumstances, Vegetables and fruits can be a substitute for hay in their food.
Related questions
Can guinea pigs eat mandarin orange?

Yes, guinea pigs can surely eat mandarin oranges. mandarin oranges have a higher amount of Vitamin A but at the same time higher calories too.
The key here is to keep the quantity limited just like orange and your guinea pig shall be all good to go.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Satsumas?
Yes, guinea pigs can surely eat Satsumas. They contain a lot of antioxidants which are great for your guinea pigs. The other advantage is they do not contain seeds at all, so one less hassle to worry.
If you don’t know what satsumas are then its an orange with very thin skin, Lots of juice and packed with antioxidants. It’s cultivated in Japan and is hard to find in stores in other parts of the world.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat clementines?
Yes, Guinea pigs can eat clementines. Clementines contain much more sugar than other types of mandarins.
Generally, the mandarins you see in grocery stores called sweeties and cuties are clementines.
We can feed some of them to our guinea pigs, but the quantity should be minimal.

Sources: What to know about oranges, Nutritional and health benefits of citrus fruits, Nutrient Requirements of the Guinea Pig, The effects of diet on anatomy, physiology, and health in the guinea pig, Is Your Guinea Pig’s Diet Providing the Right Nutrients? Care of Guinea Pigs