Cantaloupes are those odd, weird-looking fruit available mostly in summers. Packed with lots of Vitamins and minerals cantaloupe make an excellent snack or dessert during those hot summer days. I am sure whenever you take a bite of those desserts, you might wonder if you should give a little bit of cantaloupe to your guinea pigs as well. But is it safe? Let’s find out!
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cantaloupe? Yes, guinea pigs can have a small snack of cantaloupe every once in a while. You should never make it a part of their daily diet as cantaloupes are high in calories. Your guinea pigs can suffer from diabetes and obesity when fed a diet rich in sugar regularly.
Cantaloupes and other fruit are more like a treat for guinea pigs. The staple portion of your guinea pig diet should be hay, followed by vegetables.
Fruits and other treats are more like a snack for the weekend or so. While cantaloupes do contribute towards the nutrients needed by our guinea pigs, it still should only be served as a treat only.
Before we get into how much cantaloupe our guinea pigs can eat and how to prepare it for our guinea pigs, let us have a look at some nutrients that it possesses.
Nutrition in a cantaloupe?
Source: USDA National Nutrient database
Nutrients | Amount |
Vitamin C | 36.7 mg/ 100 g |
Vitamin A | 3382 IU |
Folate | 21µg/ 100 g |
Calcium | 9 mg/ 100 g |
Phosphorous | 15 mg/ 100 g |
Potassium | 267 mg/ 100 g |
Fiber | 0.9 g/ 100 g |
Sugar | 7.86 g/ 100 g |
Protein | 0.84 g/ 100 g |
Carbs | 8.16 g/ 100 g |
Calories | 34 Kcal |
Fat | 0.19 g/ 100 g |
Water | 90.15 g/ 100 g |
Some of the major nutrients in cantaloupe include the following:
- vitamin c: Vitamin C is an essential nutrient needed by the body. It helps in improving the immunity of the body, helps in fighting diseases, and promotes overall healthy growth. This vitamin is also responsible for the absorption of iron and other nutrients in the body.
- Vitamin A: Vitamin A is also crucial for the healthy growth of the body. The function of Vitamin A is to promote healthy growth of tissues, Promotes good eyesight, and also helps in the formation of lots of hormones needed by the body.
- Folate: Folate is a B-vitamin that is needed by the body for a lot of functions. It helps in the formation of blood cells, quick recovery of wounds, and it also helps in converting carbohydrates into energy. Young and pregnant guinea pigs need it more for healthy growth.
- Calcium, Phosphorous & Potassium: Guinea pigs need calcium, Phosphorous & Potassium for a lot of functions. While calcium helps in-formation & growth of bones and tissues, Phosphorous is required for the absorption of various nutrients, including protein and fats. Potassium is essential for retention of water, thus helping in reducing the risk of stone formation in the body.
Is cantaloupe bad for guinea pigs?

No, cantaloupe is not at all bad for guinea pigs if served in moderation. Cantaloupe makes for a perfect snack for our guinea pigs. However, it would be best if you never fed it in excess.
Anything in excess is bad for health.
The saying goes well with guinea pigs as well. As long as you feed cantaloupe in moderation, they are going to have no problems with it. However, excessive feeding can lead to the following issues in them:
- Obesity & Diabetes: Cantaloupe contains a decent amount of natural sugar in it. The sugar is not harmful to our guinea pigs as long as it is fed in moderation. However, if we supply a diet that contains a lot of sugar in it, then it can lead to obesity and even diabetes in some cases. A high-calorie diet is undoubtedly not the best one for your guinea pigs.
- Diarrhea: Guinea pigs have a sensitive digestive system, and a drastic or frequent change in diet or food can result in diarrhea. Some guinea pigs can suffer from severe diarrhea if you feed cantaloupe in excessive quantities. Thus, make sure you look out for the signs of diarrhea and stop feeding it if you see any.
- Bloating: Cantaloupe is a fruit that is alkaline in nature. A small serving of it can be digested by our guinea pigs. However, eating an excessive alkaline diet for an extended period of time can lead to bloating in guinea pigs.
Is cantaloupe good for guinea pigs?
Yes, cantaloupe is suitable for your guinea pigs if we serve it right. There are a lot of benefits of adding this melon to your guinea pig diet. Some of the most common benefits include:
- Prevention of scurvy: Cantaloupe is a rich source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for guinea pigs as they cannot produce in on their own. Thus adding food that is rich in Vitamin C is a must for guinea pigs. A lack of vitamin c can lead to scurvy and other diseases in guinea pigs. Thus, make sure you provide a diet rich in Vitamin C to your guinea pigs.
- Robust immune system: The vitamins and minerals present in cantaloupe are also necessary to develop a healthy and robust immune system in guinea pigs. If your guinea pig eats a healthy diet, they will have better resistance to diseases and thus will stay healthy and happy for long.
- Proper growth of the body: Cantaloupes are rich in Vitamin A, Folate & other nutrients, which are essential for the healthy growth of the body. Minerals like Vitamin A, Folate, & phosphorous are needed for the formation of healthy tissues and proper functioning of all the organs of the body.
- Keeping the body hydrated: Cantaloupe contains a lot of water in it. Guinea pigs can get a lot of water from this snack, which they usually wouldn’t. You might have known by now; guinea pigs don’t drink enough water most of the time, which leads to some health problems in them. Thus adding veggies and fruits like watermelon, zucchini, cucumber, etc. can help in increasing the water intake and thus keeping them well hydrated in those hot days.
If they respond well, then you can add a little more.
However, if you see any signs of diarrhea, then pull back and try again after a few days. Make sure you serve only a small quantity, to begin with.
How much cantaloupe can a guinea pig eat?
It is recommended feeding only one slice of cantaloupe to your guinea pig at a time. Never go beyond a small slice as it can harm your guinea pigs.
Melons are more like a treat or snack, and it should be added to spice up your guinea pig’s diet.
It should never be the primary part of your guinea pig’s diet. Also, remember that the serving size is dependent upon the age, diet, various other factors.
Did you know there are over 70 varieties of fruits that you can offer to your guinea pigs? Check out our article to learn more about it.
How often can guinea pigs eat cantaloupe?
Cantaloupes can be fed one to two times a week. While limiting it once a week is ideal, you can stretch it for one more day if you like to spoil your guinea pigs like me.
However, you should never exceed more than that. Your guinea pigs are going to wheek and squeak for more, but you should not fall for it.
Always remember that these are snacks that should be served sparsely. It would help if you threw in a cup of veggies along with it to ensure they get busy with the vegetables after the quick snack.
Can guinea pigs eat cantaloupe rinds?

No, we should not feed guinea pigs with cantaloupe along with its rind. The rind of cantaloupe has a hard and rough texture, which can be tough for your guinea pigs to ingest.
Thus, the skin can lead to diarrhea and other digestive issues in guinea pigs. The rind may also contain harmful chemical and wax that was used while producing and harvesting cantaloupes.
Although you can wash most of it away, however, some traces will still be on it. So, it is best to avoid the rind altogether.
Can guinea pigs eat cantaloupe seeds?
No, guinea pigs cannot eat cantaloupe seeds at all. The seeds of cantaloupe are big and hard, which can get stuck in their food pipe that can result in choking.
Studies also claim that the seeds of cantaloupe have some traces of cyanide in it that can be fatal for our small little guinea pigs. Thus, it is best to remove all the seeds and serve the flesh only.
Can guinea pigs eat cantaloupe juice?

No, guinea pigs cannot have cantaloupe juice at all. Guinea pigs should never be fed with any kind of juice or similar food items.
The juice contains more added sugar or other ingredients that are bad for our guinea pigs.
Thus, it is best to avoid feeding cantaloupe juice and supply a fresh slice of cantaloupes to your guinea pigs.
Can guinea pigs eat frozen cantaloupe?
No, guinea pigs cannot eat frozen cantaloupe at all. Frozen cantaloupe can lead to diarrhea in guinea pigs. You must make sure you thaw it properly and bring it to room temperature before serving it to your guinea pigs.
You might get enticed to throw a cold piece in for a refreshing summer snack. However, you must remember it is not the best choice of food for your guinea pigs.
How to prepare cantaloupe for guinea pigs?

Preparing cantaloupe for your guinea pigs is very easy and straight forward. You can follow the following steps to do it correctly:
- The first step is to choose the right cantaloupe for your guinea pigs. Make sure you want a ripe and fresh cantaloupe. Look for the one that feels a little heavy, has a creamy, light yellow-orange color with no green spots.
- The second step is to wash the fruit properly and remove the skin from it. You should also remove any seed from the flesh before serving it to your guinea pigs.
- The third step is to slice the cantaloupe into small slices and feed it to your guinea pigs.
- You can either hand-feed it or throw it into a food bowl and serve it accordingly.
- The final step is to remove any uneaten cantaloupe from the cage. Uneaten pieces of fruits can attract rats and flies, which is a threat to your guinea pigs.
Conclusion: Cantaloupe and Guinea pigs
- Cantaloupe is an excellent source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Folate, and a lot of other essential nutrients.
- Can guinea pigs eat cantaloupe? Yes, Guinea pigs can eat cantaloupe with no problems at all. However, make sure you serve only a small quantity of it at a time.
- You can feed one small slice of cantaloupe at a time to your guinea pigs.
- Always make sure you remove the skin and seeds before serving.
- Never feed cantaloupe more than 1-2 times a week to your guinea pigs. Ideally, you should add it once a week only.
- Overfeeding of cantaloupe can lead to Obesity, Diabetes, Diarrhea, and other health issues in guinea pigs
- Always remember the staple part of the guinea pig’s diet is hay and a small portion of fresh veggies. Fruits are only supplements or snacks that you should be serving once in a while.
Can guinea pigs eat all types of melon?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat a wide variety of melons. Some of the most common types of melons that guinea pigs can eat are as follows:
Can guinea pigs eat honeydew melon?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat honeydew melon but only in small quantities. Honey drew melons contains a high amount of sugar but less Vitamin C and other nutrients compared to a cantaloupe. Thus, it should be fed sparsely.
Can guinea pigs eat rockmelon?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat rockmelon. The fact is rockmelon is just another name of cantaloupe in some parts of the world.
Can guinea pigs eat winter melon?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat winter melon for sure. Winter melon is an excellent snack as it contains a minimal amount of sugar but high Vitamin C and other nutrients in it.
Although not all guinea pigs enjoy the taste of winter melon, still you can try feeding your guinea pigs a little bit of it to start with.
Can guinea pigs eat yellow melon?
Yes, guinea pigs can eat yellow melon, also known as a canary melon. These melons have a little bit sweeter taste than other melons with a hint of tanginess in it. You can serve your guinea pigs with canary melon but only once a week.
Sources: Everything you need to know about cantaloupe, Benefits of Honeydew Melon, Cantaloupes: Health Benefits & Nutrition Facts, Diet Composition and Mineral Balance in Guinea Pigs, Dietary Vitamin C and Vitamin E on Guinea Pig Immune Responses to Mitogens, Vitamin C requirements of the guinea-pig, Is Your Guinea Pig’s Diet Providing the Right Nutrients? Care of Guinea Pigs.