Crunchy and delicious apple fruit is one such fruit containing a lot of antioxidants and vitamins. But can guinea pigs eat apples? Are apples good for them? Even I was puzzled with the same questions a few years back. And here is what I found out.
Guinea pigs can eat a small slice of apple along with their skin. Make sure you remove its seed as it is terrible for the guinea pigs. Serve a small slice of an apple once a week to your guinea pig. Avoid excessive feeding as it can lead to diarrhea, obesity, and other health issues.
Apple is a great addition in our guinea pig’s diet, but that doesn’t mean that we neglect the other aspects of their food.
A stereotypical diet for guinea pigs mostly contains hay in it.
Hay is something guinea pig will chew on for most of their diet. It is also an essential part of its food.
But at the same time, Guinea pigs do need some extra punch of vitamins and minerals in their diet, which is fulfilled by fruits and vegetables.
Nutrition In Apple?

Apple is a fruit that is rich in vitamin c, Fibers, and antioxidants. Apple is also a fruit that is sweet but does not add to the weight much.
As its glycemic index is low, which results in lower blood sugar in the body.
Apple does contain a significant amount of fiber(2.4 gm). It is really great for the body.
It also includes a lot of Vitamin C and antioxidants, which again boosts the immune system of the body.
The calcium and phosphorous are also quite adequate, making it a great fruit to munch.
It can be a great addition to the diet considering the vitamins and minerals it has.
Can you give guinea pigs apples?

Yes, we definitely can feed our guinea pigs with apple. Apples are a great source of vitamin C for guinea pigs, which is an essential part of their diet.
But we must choose the right apple type for them. Not all types of apple can be fed to them.
Some apples are more acidic in nature, which makes them a lousy choice for Guinea pigs.
We can serve them with red ripe apple, which is sweet and tasty.
We must be cautious not to feed them unripe or rotten apple as they are definitely bad for their health.
Are apples good for guinea pigs?

Yes, apple area great choice of fruit for your guinea pigs. Apple contains a healthy amount of fiber in it, which is an essential part of a guinea pig’s diet.
Also, Guinea pigs are prone to diseases like scurvy. Providing them with a supplement of vitamin C in their food is essential.
Apples are a great source of vitamin C, so giving them apples every once in a while will help in keeping up with their need for the same.
Apples also are filled with antioxidants which are an added bonus for guinea pigs. The antioxidants do help them in keeping their immune system healthy as well as proper growth in their bodies.
Are Apples Bad For Your Guinea Pig’s health?
Everything In Excess Is Opposed To Nature
As the proverb goes; Anything in excess is bad. If you are serving your guinea pigs with the appropriate quantity of apple, then it is beneficial for their health.
At the same time if you just toss in a single apple and expect everything to be okay, then it won’t happen so. Although apples are sweet in nature, they do have some acidity in them.
Some guinea pigs can eat the apple with no trouble while others suffer from Diarrhea and mouth sores due to apple.
We would recommend to firstly test by giving your guinea pig a small bit and see how they respond to it before you make apples a part of your guinea pig diet.
But just because your guinea pig didn’t get sore mouth due to apple doesn’t mean that they can have a lot of apples.
Apples do contain a trace amount of sugar content(fructose), which can make your guinea pig obese.
Obesity is a significant disease in guinea pigs. It often leads to many other diseases too.
To conclude, I would say we can feed them apple every once a week or so. Try to feed not more than a slice of apple.
You can also use a tablespoon as a measurement and serve them just one tablespoon of raw apple.
How much apple can a guinea pig have?
A Guinea pig can have a slice of an apple once a week. However, the serving size may vary depending upon the age, lifestyle, and other factors.
For example: Young guinea pigs can have a bigger slice where as old guinea pigs don’t digest sugar that well, so a small slice would be ideal.
Can guinea pigs eat apple skin?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat apple peel. Some guinea pigs just love to nibble on the skins more than the fruit itself.
If your Guinea pig is not eating apples, then you can try giving them apple peels.
Although you can be somewhat generous with apple peels but still try not to serve them too much.
Apple peels do contain a trace amount of sugar in it although not as much as the fruit but still.
Do make sure you wash out the apple properly unless it’s home-grown.
Apples grown commercially are often sprayed with pesticides which are bad for your Guinea pigs. Some apples are also coated with wax nowadays.
I have found a great solution to this problem. I often put an apple in a strainer and pour mild hot water slowly for 30 seconds or so.
This will wash away any chemical and wax present in the skin of the apple.
Some guinea pigs prefer apple with their peel on while others don’t.
Do try a different combination with your guinea pigs to find out what works best for you.
How To Prepare Apple For Guinea Pigs?
- The First step would be to choose the right apple for your guinea pig. Try to choose an apple that is perfectly ripe as unripe apples often are too acidic for your Guinea pigs.
- The second step is to wash your Apple properly to ensure you clean out any unwanted chemicals off their skin.
- The third step would be to slice the apple in appropriate sizes. Try not to serve any more than a tablespoon of apple to your Guinea pigs.
- Finally, Do remove any uneaten fresh food from your Guinea pigs cage within few hours of its introduction. This shall ensure they do not get bacteria bloom.
Can guinea pigs eat applesauce?

No, Commercially made apple sauces are a complete No-No for your guinea pigs. Apple sauces do contain approximately 50% sugar in it. It makes apple sauce more like a toxic for your guinea pigs.
However, if you prepare apple sauces at home with no added sugar, it might be a different scenario.
If your guinea pig is ill for some reason and you re feeding them with pellet slurry then you can definitely toss some amount of homemade apple sauce just to make them taste better.
But do add only a tiny bit, As cooked food is absolutely No-No for your Guinea pigs.
For the most part, stick with raw, fresh apple. That is an excellent addition to their diet.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Green Apple?

Yes, guinea pigs can surely eat a green apple. Green apples often are less sweet than their counterparts.
But they are somewhat tart and acidic. So, just keep a close eye on your guinea pig while feeding them with green apples.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Granny Smith Apple?
Yes, Your guinea can definitely eat Granny Smith apples. These apples are often more acidic than sweet.
Granny Smith Apple usually has a bright green color with small but visible white spots(lenticels) all over its body.
These apples have the highest amount of nutrients in it.
Keep a watch at your guinea pigs though some guinea pigs get mouth sores with even a little bit acidic food while some don’t.
Unless your guinea pig is getting a mouth sores from this apple, you can definitely serve them Granny Smith apples.
Can guinea pigs eat apple cores?
Apple seed(core) contains a trace amount of cyanide in it, which makes it absolutely forbidden for your guinea pigs.
Even a few of them can end your guinea pig’s life. It can also lead to choking of your guinea pigs.
You need to be very cautious while serving apples to your guinea pigs. Always remember to remove any seed from the apple and then only help it to your Guinea pigs.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apple Tree Leaves?
Guinea pigs are herbivores. They can eat leaves of few trees until and unless it is treated with chemicals and pesticides.
Appletree leaves are among one such leaf that guinea pigs can eat.
But since there is no additional value in their diet due to leaves, I would say to stay away from it.
I have also learned that apple tree leaves and branches contain a chemical which further develops into cyanide during digestion. So, I am totally keeping my pets away from it.
Learn more about what tree branches can guinea pigs eat from our article.
So, in a nutshell, Can Guinea pigs eat apples? Definitely YES. But do look after the critical points I have mentioned up above before serving them with it.
Source: USDA National Nutrient data base, Oxford academic, Oxford academic, Nutrition Journal
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